First shot, shaking like a frightened schoolgirl!

Keep in mind, oil floats on water. So if you wanna do your B12 Idea, keep the pin angled down, not up.

I do the air method that Ready2 said. Just get a little bubble in there and flick it so its on the plunger side of the dart. It wont hurtcha (disclaimer: dont inject 30cc of air because B2 said it was ok)
grafix-gnc said:
my first cycle was tren and winstrol... lol, thats was fun, ED injections, 2x a day cause oil and water dont mix to well... i learned quick

Twice a day ed injects for a first cycle?? You must have wanted it something fierce...
by the time i was finishing my fina prop cycle of ed injects, i was pratically having my gf play darts with my delts, pins didnt scare me, now it seems like my bi weekly injects make me very very anxious
I just about passed out after I was done. Light-headed, kind of woozy, face lost all colour. I almost like doing it now.
grafix-gnc said:
good god, i was paralized for about 3 days

You are talking about tren and Winstrol (winny), right? Testoviron and B-12 together shouldn't cause any additional soreness, should it?
Got my second shot under my belt now. Much steadier this time. I mixed in 1/2 ml of B-12. A few hours after the shot I could barely tell where the needle went in. Now start growing, muscles!
i remember my first time. i was in techchemy's bathroom. my hands were shaking like a little bitch. i even thought about not doing the cycle.

took me about 20mins to actually do it....
yeah....I remember that....I was in the living room with grafix-gnc and we were just waiting for you to come took you almost 30 minutes....hahaha.

But I can't talk...Doc Banner saw me take my first shot and he was laughing because I was shaking like a choir boy in front of a catholic priest. (I'm going to hell for that one.)
My first time I did it myself was actually cool I used a slin needle and shot my tricep. I get more scared and itimated by the size of the needle. slin needles aint shit. Every newbie should start with a slin needle. I wish they made 3cc slin needles.
Im jealous of all of ya, I know Im gonna be a lot shakey when my first time comes around, but I know Im gonna get though it
when ever I have had to give blood I never had a problem, usualy I end up joking with the nurse, and seeing as its an intermuscular shot I dont have to worry about finding a vein but avoiding them, I know I can do it