First time Helladrol Cycle


New member
I have never ran a cycle before and this one seems to be a good one to start off with.

I am looking at running
Helladroll 50/50/75/75/100/100
HcGenerate Last 2 weeks and 2 weeks into PCT
Forma Stanzol

Any input would be greatly appreciated I was also wondering if I should just get the Helladrol Stack and just buy HcGenerate?
you also need clomid or nolva for pct, sponsors here will have either/or. fish/krill oil should be taken with the PH.

hella is very popular. GL
ok what about this?

Anavite (Multi Vitamin)
Fish Oil
HcGenerate Last 2 weeks

Hcgenerate first 2 weeks
Clomid (where would you recommend i get this from)
ok what about this?

Anavite (Multi Vitamin)
Fish Oil
HcGenerate Last 2 weeks

Hcgenerate first 2 weeks
Clomid (where would you recommend i get this from)

I would just save the HCGen for post cycle therapy (pct). I would bump the dose of hella to 75mg. My last Helladrol cycle I ran at 100mg for 6 weeks and it was awesome. Definitely got thicker.

Clomid at 50/25/25/25 - there are lots of place to get it you just need to shop around
I see rui has Clomid in liquid? and so does osta is there no place that has the tabs? For the liquids do you just squirt it in your mouth?
heres how i ran my helladrol cycle and it was extremely successful

hella 75/75/75/100/100/125
fish oil
forma stanzol - kicked it in mid cycle and ran it through pct

torem - 99/60/60/30
ostarine - 25 mg a day
lean xtreme
creatine nitrate
I see rui has Clomid in liquid? and so does osta is there no place that has the tabs? For the liquids do you just squirt it in your mouth?

liquid - measure the dose you want to take and yes just squirt in mouth.

only one place i've ever seen/used thats not a gear source has capsules and are def legit, but they're a non sponsor.

stick around, make friends and the doors will open up. i know we all want answers and results and we want them now but don't get impatient in this game - that only leads to problems.

GL with the cycle man.
ok what about this?

Anavite (Multi Vitamin)
Fish Oil
L-Arginine ~ total waste IMOGlucosimine ~ total waste
HcGenerate Last 2 weeks 1 wk of cycle, 3wks of pct

Hcgenerate first 2 weeks
Clomid (where would you recommend i get this from)

clomid 75/50/50/25
OK well HcGenerate sold out before my order went through.

Cycle Is
H-Drol 100/100/100/100/100/100
Fish Oil

PCT is now
Unleashed/Post Cycle Combo
Clomid 75/50/50/25
I received everything and was looking everything over to make sure I have everything before I start the cycle and I have a few questions:

1. I read in a forum to take H-drol as evenly throughout the day as possible is this true or does it not matter?

2. N2Guard says to take 7 caps a day do I take it at the same time as h-drol or do I take all 7 caps in the am?

PCT Questions

3. Unleashed says to take 6 caps a day for the first week then 3 caps a day for 3 weeks do I follow the bottles directions?

4. Post-Cycle says take 6 caps a week for 4 weeks do I follow the bottles direction on this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated
i received everything and was looking everything over to make sure i have everything before i start the cycle and i have a few questions:

1. I read in a forum to take h-drol as evenly throughout the day as possible is this true or does it not matter?

2am/2pm, it has a 16hr halflife

2. N2guard says to take 7 caps a day do i take it at the same time as h-drol or do i take all 7 caps in the am?

Take 5-6caps at night, before bed

pct questions

3. Unleashed says to take 6 caps a day for the first week then 3 caps a day for 3 weeks do i follow the bottles directions?

Id take it all pre wo, or pre wo/post wo. 3 caps a day each

4. Post-cycle says take 6 caps a week for 4 weeks do i follow the bottles direction on this?

Same as above

any help would be greatly appreciated

Day 1 of cycle

Woke up at 7am had breakfast took Multi, Fish Oil, H-drol (50), and Osteo BiFlex

Did Cardio (45 mins) at 8 am

Took 2 caps N2Guard at 1pm

Worked out at 5pm (Shoulders) (1/2 hour cardio)

7pm Took H-drol (50)

and at 10 or 11 plan on taking 3 caps of N2Guard
Day 2

Arms Day same timing on everything

I did however take a pre-workout and I was reading that creatine isn't good while using Hella is this stil valid?

I am also looking into taking S-4 (when it gets back in stock) when I finish PCT, can I start taking it after the 4th week of pct?
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Day 3

A Cardio day I usually just do cardio on the weekends 8 A.M and 7 p.m.

Day 4


So far no sides and everything just seems normal
heres how i ran my helladrol cycle and it was extremely successful

hella 75/75/75/100/100/125
fish oil
forma stanzol - kicked it in mid cycle and ran it through pct

torem - 99/60/60/30
ostarine - 25 mg a day
lean xtreme
creatine nitrate

TOREM ? where can this be found ?