First time HGH, Should i add something?


New member
Hello brothers

i've been juicing for years now and now i know that i can afford the HGH costs as am very interested in tryin it. read loads about it, but i believe that asking here would always make it easier for me to decide as i'd listen 2 ur opinions.. :)

24 yrs old
107 KGs/235lbs
BF 10%

done follwoing cycles:
testo 15 weeks 500mg ew
testo 750mg Dbol 40mg 15 week(yeah exactly dbol for 6 weeks)
Tren/test/masteron E 600mg each for 12 weeks
Primo 1g tsto 200mg for 12 weeks. ( i stopped the last cycle due to some private problems) and it was 5 months ago.

so i guess this si some info about my cycles. so the question is that i decided 2 do a hgh cycle for 6months 4ui everyday, shall i add something ? and i would prefer adding something that doesnt cause water retention, i noticed that testo bloats me up specially in the face, and i really dont like that. so i would be glad to hear from u people. i appreciate all advice and share of knowledge.

well as long as no 1 answered yet i would like to add that i do kickboxing too, might add something that wont have an impact on my cardio, because when i did the test/tren/masteron i had issues with breathing and high blood pressure..
Test prop @ 500mg/wk in 100mg doses EoD and 2 50mg doses on an off day of the 100mg doses in the week somewhere. Have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and some pramipexole on hand but actually run the prami from the start of test regardless. Oh, and I'm sure no one has replied yet because you're totally new and asking such technical questions. Anyways also you could benefit from peptides GHRP-6/CJC-1295 once you come off HGH as it is true HGH post cycle therapy (pct) protocol.. Arnold was 6'2" 235Lbs back in his day. Surely more like 6% tho. You aint far from that! YiKeS!!
Sustanon 250 sounds good for prolonged use. Inject once or twice a week depening on your goals.
Test prop @ 500mg/wk in 100mg doses EoD and 2 50mg doses on an off day of the 100mg doses in the week somewhere. Have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and some pramipexole on hand but actually run the prami from the start of test regardless. Oh, and I'm sure no one has replied yet because you're totally new and asking such technical questions. Anyways also you could benefit from peptides GHRP-6/CJC-1295 once you come off HGH as it is true HGH pct protocol.. Arnold was 6'2" 235Lbs back in his day. Surely more like 6% tho. You aint far from that! YiKeS!!

arnold was not 6'2 back in the day. he might have been LISTED as 6'2, but he was not 6'2. unless he has shrunk considerably in his time. i'm 6'1.75 without shoes on. i worked a security detail for arnie like 8 years ago or so and he was MAX 5'11.... MAX.... i was significantly taller than he was.

which made sense to me, 'cause i'm at almost 240 now with 9-10% bf and i'm nowhere near arnie's girth in most places. granted he seems to have had a much smaller waist so plenty of my weight there (i wear size 31 jeans comfortably) he had packed onto his chest/arms etc.

but still.... if i get to his proportions at my 6'2, i will weight AT LEAST 265 at around 5-6% bf i'm SURE, probably even more than that though.

they say jose juan barea on the dallas mavs is 6'0 tall but he's about 5'9 on a REAL SUNNY day..... sports figures heights have been seriously exaggerated since probably the dawn of sports. they seem so larger than life that they can get away with it.

he ain't no 6'2!
Run a small base of 250 to 350 of Sustanon (sust) per week add 1ml of prop every 3rd day. shouldnt get bloat.. use adex .5 per day youll be fine. i am currently using same dose and gains have been good, been on since sept (gh) have had 1 or 2 minor setbacks (bloodsugar levels) but since have figured out what cased them. keep your complex carbs steady throughout the day, dont inject gh within hour of carbs. other than that youll love gh, other than the bit of water retention in the hands and the odd bloodsugar crash i love it..
I would add GHRP-6 when cycling HGH. HGH is suppressive to your natural GH for up to 18 hours. This will help offset that loss.

youngsters will not benefit from HGH like guys over 30, unless you take enough to give you a big forehead.
one bit of advice would be to pyramid your gh dose up...start with 2iu per day foor a few weeks, then 3iu for a few weeks, etc, will help with sides, ie carpal tunnel
I can't not recommend test, even if at a dose as small as 250 mgs. per week. Test is test so I would run a long ester like enanthate rather than a short ester like prop that you have to inject eod.
thnx every1 for ur reccomendations, but if am gonna take the test i would probably do as trev said.. i thought of test cyp. what would u reccomend for a dose? like how many mgs a week?
and i will stick to the idea of higherin the dose slowly..

but is test the best thing i could use with gh?
no other option? maybe recommendation from experience`?

thanx again bros :)
i agree with needsize about tapering up, this will help slightly with the sides associated with GH.

Trev also makes a good point, fuck that SE gear, do an Enan or Cyp.

Now, I don't normally suggest higher doses, especially for young guys, because I don't think the maturity is there. And most of the time its not needed. But i will suggest a longer cycle to take advantage of the GH and the weight acclimation to avoid homeostasis (as this will hopefully increase due to the GH).

Week 1-20 750mg Test Enan/Cyp per week
Week 1-20 Deca 600mg/w
Week 1-20 GH (work up to 4-5ius/day)

Of course all your ancillaries you may need (AIs, dope agonist, HCG) and a proper PCT starting 3 weeks after your last shot. I prefer Tore Citrate, but whatever you like is fine.

If you eat big, and train big, there is no reason not to get big on this cycle.
thanx RJ,
i guess it will be just like u said except that i would run the GH a lil bit longer.
seems to be a solid cycle with some good mass :)

guess am goin for it. ill let u guys know how it goes as ill be starting after new year.

merry christmas n a happy new year 2 u all
thanx RJ,
i guess it will be just like u said except that i would run the GH a lil bit longer.
seems to be a solid cycle with some good mass :)

guess am goin for it. ill let u guys know how it goes as ill be starting after new year.

merry christmas n a happy new year 2 u all

yeah, running the GH longer will do nothing but solidify your gains. I used 5ius during and 3 ius post and off cycle and it worked amazing. I stayed on GH for almost two years.
be careful with the test cyp if your proan to water retention. nothing and i mean nothing makes me hold water like cyp

currently on
test e 250mg e 3 days
win 100 mg e o
gh 6 iu per day
be careful with the test cyp if your proan to water retention. nothing and i mean nothing makes me hold water like cyp

currently on
test e 250mg e 3 days
win 100 mg e o
gh 6 iu per day

water retention is primarliy due to lack of water and a poor diet. The hormone, especially test cyp has nothing to do with it.