first time oral cycle


New member
hi all, quick question. I have methandienone x100, and plan on doing them over 5 weeks, monday to friday 4 tabs(20mg per day). What would the best pct? sticking to tabs for the moment!
wouldnt know where to start advising you on this...... whats happned to sat and sunday by the way?

if you can answer the following questions you may be in position to start the cycle:

1> what is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and what are they used for?
2> what is the funtion of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), when do you take it and do you need to take it?
3> does d-bol aromatise?
4> what is post cycle therapy (pct)?
5> when is post cycle therapy (pct) run?
6> What is the half life of dbol?
7> What is a SERM?
8> what doo you do if you start developing gyno?
9> does dbol cause estrogen or progesterone related gyno?
10> why is dbol advised to be stacked with other injectable compounds and why do you not run dbol for extended periods?

the list goes on, not trying to patronise you mate just highlighting some knowledge you need to know before you even think of touching gear.

But the good news is you have come to the right place there is a wealth of knowledge of this board all you need to do is read everything you can!!