First timer here, looking any advice, starting 2nd cycle.

So dropping everything and cutting my test in half after 8 weeks will create a positive response?

The Test Blend 500 is: Test Cypionate 200mg, Test Enanthate 200mg and Test Propionate 100mg

Ok, since this has prop in it you should be pinning every other day. Please begin doing this if you are not already

Due the the test C and E in it, wait three weeks after your last injection to start PCT.
Also.. there looks to be a good 100 or more lab test on that labs site. Which one should I get? I'd like to start off with blood work to see exactly where Im at. I was looking at the PrivateMDLabs.

Your signature says the Hormone Panel for males, but the cost on the site is $172, but your sig says $54, so I want to make sure Im getting the correct test.

My signature says Hormone Panel for Females. It is for men too. With their coupon code you can save 10-15%.
My signature says Hormone Panel for Females. It is for men too. With their coupon code you can save 10-15%.

So chose the female test...? Im starting to think your playing a joke on me. lol. Alright, well Im going to sign up for the test tonight. Hopefully there's a clinic near by. We'll see then if Im really getting man boobs, or if Im just a fat ass. ;)
So chose the female test...? Im starting to think your playing a joke on me. lol. Alright, well Im going to sign up for the test tonight. Hopefully there's a clinic near by. We'll see then if Im really getting man boobs, or if Im just a fat ass. ;)

Read the description. It says it is for men too. You just have to state you are a male as you check out to get the ranges for males.
Ok, since this has prop in it you should be pinning every other day. Please begin doing this if you are not already

Due the the test C and E in it, wait three weeks after your last injection to start PCT.

Damn... Im sore for days after a pin. Hopefully the pain just came from the Anadrol that got added in week 3. Before the Anadrol I dont remember there being much pain. After adding it, it feels like I got shot with a rubber bullet for 3-4 days. I would be pretty damn sore everywhere pinning every other day. Hopefully its not the Test thats doing that.
Damn... Im sore for days after a pin. Hopefully the pain just came from the Anadrol that got added in week 3. Before the Anadrol I dont remember there being much pain. After adding it, it feels like I got shot with a rubber bullet for 3-4 days. I would be pretty damn sore everywhere pinning every other day. Hopefully its not the Test thats doing that.

The volume will be less with more frequent pinning so that will work in your favor. Make sure you rotate spots. Delts, glutes, quads and ventroglutes are all good locations.

Post your blood work results when you get them and we can help you interpret them.
So chose the female test...? Im starting to think your playing a joke on me. lol. Alright, well Im going to sign up for the test tonight. Hopefully there's a clinic near by. We'll see then if Im really getting man boobs, or if Im just a fat ass. ;)
You can be confident here that nobody will play a joke with your health when your asking for advise. Have some seriously educated individuals here, follow megatrons advise and you will get the best results and advise. Some may rip you apart for jumping in too fast and uneducated, just have thick skin and roll with it. We are all here for same interests.
Looks like you didn't put in the coupon code.

Yea.... I didnt know where to find the code and didnt want to bother you about it. Your helping enough already and didnt want to waste your time having you tell me where to find a coupon. $10 bucks... no big deal.
You can be confident here that nobody will play a joke with your health when your asking for advise. Have some seriously educated individuals here, follow megatrons advise and you will get the best results and advise. Some may rip you apart for jumping in too fast and uneducated, just have thick skin and roll with it. We are all here for same interests.

Thanks Mightysatchmo!! Ive been reading around this forum for a little while now and have seen dudes getting ripped apart, so to be honest I was expecting it to happen. I guess I got lucky that Megatron got to me first.

How this happened was a friend pushed me into it. Im one to do thorough research into anything I do, before I do it. But with this, I felt like I had good guidance and not to do it, would be me just making up excuses not to get my ass back into the gym. So I started doing research... talked to another buddy that trains MMA fighters and puts them on gear. He told me I was on too much for a first cycle... So I went back to the guy who put me on all this, and he reassured me everything would be fine. But the more I read here, the more I started to doubt this guys knowledge. Now I know he's full of shit, and when I confronted him about it yesterday, he just said that everyone does things differently.

So I'll listen to the guys that have this down to its science, rather then taking the generic information I've been getting from my so-called friend. If people here want to rip me apart to make themselves feel better, then its cool with me. I have pretty thick skin and Ive been on forums before, so I know how they work and what to expect. Im definitely glad I decided to get on here.
You are higher than 25% body fat in your pic. Probably is the 30's. The aromatase enYme is found in fat tissue ( and other places). The more fat you have the more you aromatize testosterone into estradiol. You are just asking for C cups and a bra by not using an aromatase inhibitor. This is a foolish choice you have made. Get blood work tomorrow and let's see how high your estradiol is. See my signature line below.

I wanted to clear this up real quick. I know for sure that my BF isnt in the 30% range. The pic I posted wasnt a very good one. Maybe the lighting, camera angle, ate too much that day... who knows. But this is me, as of this morning.

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Actually, since you have already been on cycle for 8 weeks, I recommend that you only go 4 more weeks. Limiting the length of your cycle will help you recover your natural testosterone production. The longer you are shut down, the harder it is too "turn it back on". 4 more weeks of just test at 500mg/week, Arimidex and hCG.

Continue Arimidex and hCG after last injection up until you start PCT. Again, once we k ow the blend you are using we can figure out when PCT should be started.

I grabbed the Arimidex and HCG today. I was told that I need to get different pins for the HCG. So Im going to try and source those locally first. If I cant find them, would anyone be able to recommend a site to get those? For HCG.

I also got my lab req today, so I'll be headed down there in the morning for blood work. They say it usually takes about 3 days to get the results back. I'll post them here once they come.

Today I pinned my usual dose of everything, since I didnt have the other stuff until a few hours ago. I also want the blood work to reflect what my current stack is doing to my body.

My next question... if everything comes back normal, should that give me the okay to continue on how I have been, with exception to the Arimidex that I'll add. Or should I still take precautions and drop everything, going to just test, HCG and arimidex?

You also mentioned 500mg of Test per week, pinning every other day. So that would be about 1/4 cc every other day, correct?

I'll take the Arimidex tonight and the HCG will have to wait until I can find the correct pins.
You really shouldn't continue with that wreckless cycle. Your "friend" is an ass. I'm guessing he sold you the gear. What a salesman. Of course hes going to push tons of shit on you. He's about making money and supporting his own. Really, you should stop everything and pct in 3 weeks. For one, your diet/ bodyfat needs attention. For two, you need a lot more research. Your "friend" really fucked you over bad. Get bloodwork after pct to see where your at. Work on diet and bodyfat before running any more gear. Look, obviously your "friend" had something to gain from you. Money. I as well as everybody else here is not getting paid a dime. We are here to help the underground community. I don't know everything but I know enough to see a disaster unfolding. There's a wealth of knowledge here. 95% of it is free to. Here's a link of what a first cycle should look like.
You really shouldn't continue with that wreckless cycle. Your "friend" is an ass. I'm guessing he sold you the gear. What a salesman. Of course hes going to push tons of shit on you. He's about making money and supporting his own. Really, you should stop everything and pct in 3 weeks. For one, your diet/ bodyfat needs attention. For two, you need a lot more research. Your "friend" really fucked you over bad. Get bloodwork after pct to see where your at. Work on diet and bodyfat before running any more gear. Look, obviously your "friend" had something to gain from you. Money. I as well as everybody else here is not getting paid a dime. We are here to help the underground community. I don't know everything but I know enough to see a disaster unfolding. There's a wealth of knowledge here. 95% of it is free to. Here's a link of what a first cycle should look like.

Yup... hes the sales person. I confronted him on that. His response was, "If that were the case, I could have sold you a lot more stuff." I think he sold me about all he was able to. Paid over ***** for everything I have, and to not use it would be a huge waste of money. So thats where Im sitting now. I think the vials expire in a little under a year, so I still have time but not a lot.

I actually just got back from getting blood work done. So we'll see how that looks in a couple days.

People keep telling me to read, and I have been. Daily, for months now, But there is so much conflicting information and "outdate" information, its a little tough putting things together to figure out whats right and whats not. Even on this site, I've read in "stickies" that not all people agree on a first cycle being only test. Then Megatron explained not using much for your first cycle, just to see how your body responds to each thing you add. But if I've been on all this for 8 weeks already and my blood work comes back fine... then what other reason would there be to not continue? Might be a dumb question, but Im trying to figure this all out.
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And I really dont want to throw ****** bucks in the trash.
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I grabbed the Arimidex and HCG today. I was told that I need to get different pins for the HCG. So Im going to try and source those locally first. If I cant find them, would anyone be able to recommend a site to get those? For HCG.

I also got my lab req today, so I'll be headed down there in the morning for blood work. They say it usually takes about 3 days to get the results back. I'll post them here once they come.

Today I pinned my usual dose of everything, since I didnt have the other stuff until a few hours ago. I also want the blood work to reflect what my current stack is doing to my body.

My next question... if everything comes back normal, should that give me the okay to continue on how I have been, with exception to the Arimidex that I'll add. Or should I still take precautions and drop everything, going to just test, HCG and arimidex?

You also mentioned 500mg of Test per week, pinning every other day. So that would be about 1/4 cc every other day, correct?

I'll take the Arimidex tonight and the HCG will have to wait until I can find the correct pins.

Most guys use insulin syringes to inject hCG. But you can use the same pins you are using to inject your test. There is no rule against that. Insulin syringes are just less painful and make it easier to measure the quantity you need to inject.

I don't know (or remember) what your testosterone is dosed at. But just do the math to figure out how many mg are in each ml and dose accordingly.
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Yup... hes the sales person. I confronted him on that. His response was, "If that were the case, I could have sold you a lot more stuff." I think he sold me about all he was able to. Paid over ***** for everything I have, and to not use it would be a huge waste of money. So thats where Im sitting now. I think the vials expire in a little under a year, so I still have time but not a lot.

I actually just got back from getting blood work done. So we'll see how that looks in a couple days.

People keep telling me to read, and I have been. Daily, for months now, But there is so much conflicting information and "outdate" information, its a little tough putting things together to figure out whats right and whats not. Even on this site, I've read in "stickies" that not all people agree on a first cycle being only test. Then Megatron explained not using much for your first cycle, just to see how your body responds to each thing you add. But if I've been on all this for 8 weeks already and my blood work comes back fine... then what other reason would there be to not continue? Might be a dumb question, but Im trying to figure this all out.

They put an expiration date on the gear, but if stored in a dark, dry place at room temp it will last for years longer. So don't feel like you have to race to use all your gear in the next 12 months.

I know I edited your price out as it is against site rules, but you got totally ripped off. Some friend you have there.

There is no need to run the quantities and all the compounds you are running. You can get HUGE gains off 500mg/week. You are not very big. You are miles away from reaching your genetic potential. The truth is you didn't even need gear. You could get huge gains by just getting back in the gym and getting on a good diet.

Running large quantities causes more negative side effects. It makes it harder to manage estradiol. It makes it harder to manage Prolactin. You are more likely to get edema, high blood pressure, high hematocrit faster, gynecomastia, ED, etc. Why run more if it isn't going to make you grow significantly bigger and it is just going to cause a slew of unwanted side effects. Not to mention all the extra cost. Running 500mg/week is a whole lot cheaper and will allow you to get several cycles out of you stock pile.
They put an expiration date on the gear, but if stored in a dark, dry place at room temp it will last for years longer. So don't feel like you have to race to use all your gear in the next 12 months.

I know I edited your price out as it is against site rules, but you got totally ripped off. Some friend you have there.

There is no need to run the quantities and all the compounds you are running. You can get HUGE gains off 500mg/week. You are not very big. You are miles away from reaching your genetic potential. The truth is you didn't even need gear. You could get huge gains by just getting back in the gym and getting on a good diet.

Running large quantities causes more negative side effects. It makes it harder to manage estradiol. It makes it harder to manage Prolactin. You are more likely to get edema, high blood pressure, high hematocrit faster, gynecomastia, ED, etc. Why run more if it isn't going to make you grow significantly bigger and it is just going to cause a slew of unwanted side effects. Not to mention all the extra cost. Running 500mg/week is a whole lot cheaper and will allow you to get several cycles out of you stock pile.

I was skeptical about throwing the price out there. I read the forum rules, but didnt see that mentioned. I probably missed it. Wont do it again.

But as far as price goes, I actually sourced it through multiple people I know and this guy had the best quality and lowest price. I didnt list how much gear I actually have, but its quite a bit.

Im very curious how my blood work is going to look once it comes back. Glad I got that done.

Thanks for breaking this down for me. All makes sense and I'll follow your advice.