First timer here, looking any advice, starting 2nd cycle.

Your not a young guy. You spent some cash on stuff u didn't need. U got burned. It happens. Either get rid of it or get over it. It will store well. You honestly should come off the gear and pct.
I will vouch for the test cycle I'm getting ready for number 3. I gained 17 lbs on my first cycle thanks to the advice from all the members on here. You don't need alot of different compounds right now to get fantastic results. The biggest thing you need to get on track is your diet. I ate like a frickin pig to try to hit 3000 cal a day and with work life and family life it's nearly impossible.get your diet in check with healthy proteins stick with just test and workout like a mad man and you will be impressed in the end
I use to be in great shape... but then I went on a 3 year drinking binge, getting drunk almost daily. That made me put on a ton of fat. I dropped over 40 pounds once I stopped drinking and started eating right. So my diet is actually pretty good. Im very strict with it too. Im still working on losing all the beer fat I put on over the years though.

The first month on this stuff, my appetite got crazy, and even though I was eating healthy, I was over eating and ended up looking fatter then I was when I started. Id feel bloated and full, but yet I was still hungry, if that makes any sense. I was eating huge portions every 2 hours. All my meals are basically all the same. Meat, veggies and beans and rice. Nothing else added, no salt or anything. Hot sauce and salsa are about the only thing I dump on stuff. All I drink is water and 2 protein shakes per day.

The past few weeks, my appetite has let up some, so Im eating less now. A lot less actually. So Im seeing the fat melt away pretty quick recently. Another month or two and I think I'll be out of the 20% bf range.
Well... here's my blood work. Estradiol is high along with a bunch of other shit.... Time to fix it....

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So this is pretty much in line with what we were expecting.

Your Total Tesosterone (TT) is high because you are using a lot of gear.

Your Estradiol (E2) is really high because your testosterone is aromatizing into estradiol. An Aromatase Inhibitor like arimidex or Aromasin would bring down your estradiol to a healthy level. Don't take too much though as it would bring your E2 down too low.

Your AST and ALT are high which shows that your liver is irritated. I recommend taking 1000mg of NAC daily. You can get it at or any drug store.
So this is pretty much in line with what we were expecting.

Your Total Tesosterone (TT) is high because you are using a lot of gear.

Your Estradiol (E2) is really high because your testosterone is aromatizing into estradiol. An Aromatase Inhibitor like arimidex or Aromasin would bring down your estradiol to a healthy level. Don't take too much though as it would bring your E2 down too low.

Your AST and ALT are high which shows that your liver is irritated. I recommend taking 1000mg of NAC daily. You can get it at or any drug store.

You nailed it. This fuckin sucks. So Im ditching everything, going to 500mg of Test per week, HCG, Arimidex and the NAC you just recommended.

I pinned last on Monday with my normal dosage that I was taking, since I wanted the blood work to reflect what I've been doing to my body. So tomorrow I'll start with the new dosages and get blood work done again in a few weeks to see if I've corrected the issues any.

Thanks again!! You saved my ass. And prevented man boobs.
So this is pretty much in line with what we were expecting.

Your Total Tesosterone (TT) is high because you are using a lot of gear.

Your Estradiol (E2) is really high because your testosterone is aromatizing into estradiol. An Aromatase Inhibitor like arimidex or Aromasin would bring down your estradiol to a healthy level. Don't take too much though as it would bring your E2 down too low.

Your AST and ALT are high which shows that your liver is irritated. I recommend taking 1000mg of NAC daily. You can get it at or any drug store.

NAC, is this the stuff? Nac-Acetyl Cysteine?
Correct. They give it to people for Tylenol poisoning among other things. It is good for the liver.

Got it. They have it at the Vitamin shop down the street. So I'll pick that up in a few hours.

Now to figure out the HCG. It came in 2 vials and I was told that I needed to mix it, but not sure how or how much.
So Im now off the Tren, Dbol and Anadrol... and only taking my Test Blend 500 at 500mg per week, along with the HCG and Arimidex.

Im finishing up my 8th week of being on and will do 4 more weeks for 12 total.

I have questions about PCT and the wait period before I can start taking Clomid and Nolvadex. Right now the Test Blend will take about 2-3 weeks to get out of my system, so I was thinking of switching to Test Prop for my last 3 weeks on, since I've read thats out of your system in 2-3 days.

So if Im figuring things out correctly, I should be able to start PCT about a week after my last injection with the Test Prop, rather then waiting 3 weeks for the Test Blend to get out.

Can anyone confirm this for me? Im not sure if Im missing something here and want to make sure Im doing things right.
So Im now off the Tren, Dbol and Anadrol... and only taking my Test Blend 500 at 500mg per week, along with the HCG and Arimidex.

Im finishing up my 8th week of being on and will do 4 more weeks for 12 total.

I have questions about PCT and the wait period before I can start taking Clomid and Nolvadex. Right now the Test Blend will take about 2-3 weeks to get out of my system, so I was thinking of switching to Test Prop for my last 3 weeks on, since I've read thats out of your system in 2-3 days.

So if Im figuring things out correctly, I should be able to start PCT about a week after my last injection with the Test Prop, rather then waiting 3 weeks for the Test Blend to get out.

Can anyone confirm this for me? Im not sure if Im missing something here and want to make sure Im doing things right.

Just stay the course. Don't switch esters now. Keep it simple.
Just stay the course. Don't switch esters now. Keep it simple.

Im taking in everything you say and following it exactly..... but I am curious to know why switching esters would be a bad idea, if it could allow me to start PCT earlier?
Im taking in everything you say and following it exactly..... but I am curious to know why switching esters would be a bad idea, if it could allow me to start PCT earlier?

So think about what you wrote. Your current ester is going to take 3 weeks to clear your system. So when will you start pinning prop? How much? If you start right away, you are going to still have a lot of the previous ester test in you and now some prop. This will push up your Total Testosterone levels. So now you have to figure out how much to increase you AI dose by.

The old ester will run off over the three weeks, but probably not at a linear rate. The prop will build up in you, but probably not at a linear rate. So again, how are you going to ramp up your AI dosage and then taper it back down?

I think you understand half lives. So apply that concept to this problem. You want to swap out something with a long half life for something with a short half life. But managing the overlap will be extremely challenging!

Next time you run a cycle, just choose something with a single ester in it and stick with it. Prop is great if you don't mind pinning EOD. For many of us though, pinning that much gets old after a while. Test C or E are good compromises.

I know I am rambling a bit. It has been a long day, But does this make some sense?
So think about what you wrote. Your current ester is going to take 3 weeks to clear your system. So when will you start pinning prop? How much? If you start right away, you are going to still have a lot of the previous ester test in you and now some prop. This will push up your Total Testosterone levels. So now you have to figure out how much to increase you AI dose by.

The old ester will run off over the three weeks, but probably not at a linear rate. The prop will build up in you, but probably not at a linear rate. So again, how are you going to ramp up your AI dosage and then taper it back down?

I think you understand half lives. So apply that concept to this problem. You want to swap out something with a long half life for something with a short half life. But managing the overlap will be extremely challenging!

Next time you run a cycle, just choose something with a single ester in it and stick with it. Prop is great if you don't mind pinning EOD. For many of us though, pinning that much gets old after a while. Test C or E are good compromises.

I know I am rambling a bit. It has been a long day, But does this make some sense?

It makes perfect sense.

Here's what I had going on in my head, which gave me the idea above.....

Since my Test Blend is, Test Cypionate 200mg, Test Enanthate 200mg and Test Propionate 100mg...... The 100mg of Prop will be gone in a few days and the 400mg of Enanthate/Cypionate will be gone in 2 weeks... So during those 2 weeks that Im waiting for the Enanthate and Cypionate to clear out, Id use just Test Prop by itself at 100mg eod during that time, to replace the Prop thats in my blend that I would no longer be using. Then once the 2 weeks are up, Id bump up the Test Prop to 500mg per week to level things out.

Makes sense to me, but I dont know much and Im sure Im missing variables here, which is why I asked first before doing it.

I read that Test levels jumping up and down increases estrogen levels, and I definitely dont need that right now, but I was just trying to figure out a way to get the PCT started a little sooner, since my blood work came back all fucked up.
For my next cycle, I was planning on just using Test Enanthate, to keep things more simple. Even though I have 3 brand new vials of Test Blends just sitting here.
It makes perfect sense.

Here's what I had going on in my head, which gave me the idea above.....

Since my Test Blend is, Test Cypionate 200mg, Test Enanthate 200mg and Test Propionate 100mg...... The 100mg of Prop will be gone in a few days and the 400mg of Enanthate/Cypionate will be gone in 2 weeks... So during those 2 weeks that Im waiting for the Enanthate and Cypionate to clear out, Id use just Test Prop by itself at 100mg eod during that time, to replace the Prop thats in my blend that I would no longer be using. Then once the 2 weeks are up, Id bump up the Test Prop to 500mg per week to level things out.

Makes sense to me, but I dont know much and Im sure Im missing variables here, which is why I asked first before doing it.

I read that Test levels jumping up and down increases estrogen levels, and I definitely dont need that right now, but I was just trying to figure out a way to get the PCT started a little sooner, since my blood work came back all fucked up.

If you want to start PCT sooner, the best thing you could do is stop now and run PCT three weeks after your last injection of test. Keep taking your AI and hCG though up u til PCT starts. Then the clock will start ticking and before you know it you can start a fresh new cycle and get it right this time.

Choosing to come off bow would be a smart choice.