first tren ace cycle log while on trt.

because of the synergy the masteron creates, how would one properly dose masteron with tren?

I always run a minimum of 600mg of Masteron... I have pushed it up to 1g, but found no extra benefit from doing so, and it can be expensive.

I'll be running it @ 800mg on this comp prep with Tren @ 75mg ED and Test at TRT dose. Fading the Test out before the show.

I don't think there is a 'recommended ratio' for Tren and Mast when used together, I only came at my dosages through running them on previous cycles.
Cool pumps are serious. Hell, I swear my jaws even get pumped when I eat steam or something like that that I have to chew on slot, shot, crazy pumps! Usually only ever run dbol for first 4 weeks or less. Now that I see how tren a kicks in I prolly won't use it with another tren blast.

Just my opinion, but I consider it unnecessary and a dangerous game starting a Tren cycle with D'Bol....

D'Bol aromatises like crazy and when chucked in with Test, you literally have no idea where your E2 levels are at - unless you get bloods tested weekly.

Throw Tren into the mix and the chances of raised prolactin are very high, as your estrogen levels are unmanageable - you said yourself that you have waterweight - so the signs are already there.

If it were me personally, I wouldn't just have the Caber/Prami on hand - I'd be using it!

Seriously, why would you need a kickstart when pinning Tren Acetate?
Are you really that impatient that you can't wait a week to start feeling something?

I'm not slating D'Bol, I think it's an amazing compound in the right scenario...

Throw it in on a Test/Deca bulk and it's 'early cycle workrate' is second to none - while the longer esters take their time to build.
But it's an unnecessary risk when pinning an acetate in my eyes.
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Just my opinion, but I consider it unnecessary and a dangerous game starting a Tren cycle with D'Bol....

D'Bol aromatises like crazy and when chucked in with Test, you literally have no idea where your E2 levels are at - unless you get bloods tested weekly.

Throw Tren into the mix and the chances of raised prolactin are very high, as your estrogen levels are unmanageable - you said yourself that you have waterweight - so the signs are already there.

If it were me personally, I wouldn't just have the Caber/Prami on hand - I'd be using it!

Seriously, why would you need a kickstart when pinning Tren Acetate?
Are you really that impatient that you can't wait a week to start feeling something?

I'm not slating D'Bol, I think it's an amazing compound in the right scenario...

Throw it in on a Test/Deca bulk and it's 'early cycle workrate' is second to none - while the longer esters take their time to build.
But it's an unnecessary risk when pinning an acetate in my eyes.

Understood BB! I'll take your suggestion going forward, no more dbol with tren a. Matter of fact I will stop running it as of today, the dbol and just stick to tren at 50eod for now sir. Do you think I should finish this blast at that dose? Probably wise huh, at least that's what I've been recommended. And this Mast that keeps com8my up, I should probably leave that out until next tren blast too, your thought? Thnx!
Btw , u sure have an effective way of getting your point across....u would make a great drill instructor. I mean that with all respect my friend::-)
Thnx again....n keep it coming. Yourr kinda comments are keeping me alive!
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Also wanted to send a thanks out to our boy Elicit23. This is a side note btw, but he had posted a thread about ester weight and in there he logged his diet while on a bulking cycle. That really helped me to see first hand the diligence it takes to achieve your goals thru way of good diet discipline. Thanks E23!! A lot of good read in that thread guys. Sorry not sure how to copy n paste it or I would attach it here for Ya.
Understood BB! I'll take your suggestion going forward, no more dbol with tren a. Matter of fact I will stop running it as of today, the dbol and just stick to tren at 50eod for now sir. Do you think I should finish this blast at that dose? Probably wise huh, at least that's what I've been recommended. And this Mast that keeps com8my up, I should probably leave that out until next tren blast too, your thought? Thnx!

I'm a firm believer in making each and every cycle a learning experience...

If you change a lot of things mid-cycle and things don't work out - how can you take anything away from it - whereas if you had left things well alone, you can take the results from that cycle and either ramp things up, or alter things totally for your next run....

If you are on 50mg EOD and the results are coming nicely, then see it through at that dose... If you hike it up to 75mg and end up spiking prolactin, you destroy all the good work done at 50mg.

I'm a stickler for pre-cycle planning and structure - I never kick off a run without a clear mindset as to dosages and compounds, and 9 times out of 10, I'll stick to the plan to the letter.

I truly believe that results come better this way.

I'm even OCD enough to keep a cycle diary, in which I write down every injection, tablet and donation - and tick them off as I go along.
I leave nothing to chance.

I like to think the results speak for themselves :)
Btw , u sure have an effective way of getting your point across....u would make a great drill instructor. I mean that with all respect my friend::-)
Thnx again....n keep it coming. Yourr kinda comments are keeping me alive!

I enjoy helping people like you bro...

You ask sensible questions, have a passion to learn and grow... I find it refreshing :)
I enjoy helping people like you bro...

You ask sensible questions, have a passion to learn and grow... I find it refreshing :)

I DEFIANTLY would agree the result of your OCD planning speak for itself....shiiiit (little envy, just a touch here). Well I'm learning a ton here and at the end of the day that's the point, for me. I appreciate your guidance, coming from you I feel I can take it to the letter. So, yeah, I'll be bouncing some more questions off Ya and you'll call me on my crap just like a good big brother or accountability partner would. Lol. So is that my best bet now, dropping the dbol? Or just run it the rest of the way out? And if I understand you correctly with the tren, just stay at 50eod for duration of this blast?
Nevermind. I think I know your answer would be yes drop the dbol and yes keep the tren at 50eod though s run. :-)
Nevermind. I think I know your answer would be yes drop the dbol and yes keep the tren at 50eod though s run. :-)

Sorry, had to take an hour out to trash delts! ;)

How long do you have left on the D'Bol?
If you're more than half way through, see it through and up your AI to address water-weight.

Keep the Tren at 50mg throughout and take a conservative dose of your preferred DA to cover the prolactin issue.

Hope that helps.
Sorry, had to take an hour out to trash delts! ;)

How long do you have left on the D'Bol?
If you're more than half way through, see it through and up your AI to address water-weight.

Keep the Tren at 50mg throughout and take a conservative dose of your preferred DA to cover the prolactin issue.

Hope that helps.

Haha, I understand about trashing the delts bro....that's one of my favorite pastimes:-) I'm not quite 2 weeks in so I'll cut the dbol out, save it for a time I'm better prepared ;-) (OCD type prepared, lol, like u). Leave the tren alone throughout this blast annnd add in small dose prami. Yes? But since dbol is done should I then leave my ai at .5mg adex/day? Thanks BB!
Hey Ben, what do you run with tren for sides. Mast? Or is that just ran because it works synergistically with tren?? This is a seperate question btw as I have my prami but was just curious how u do it..that's all.
With regard to the AI dosage... it's a lottery without bloods... try and ascertain how your body looks and feels and make a decision whether to leave it where it's at, or raise it temporarily...

But if you need a definitive answer, rather than pissing in the wind, you need to see bloodwork.
Hey Ben, what do you run with tren for sides. Mast? Or is that just ran because it works synergistically with tren?? This is a seperate question btw as I have my prami but was just curious how u do it..that's all.

Quite honestly, I've only ran Tren twice, both Acetate....

The first run I had to jump ship after 5 weeks due to anxiety (I had some serious sh*t going on in my life that needed addressing)

My second run worked really well, I dosed my Tren at 75mg ED, and took 500mg Test Enanthate and 600mg Masteron Enanthate.

Sides were certainly a lot less noticeable with the addition of Masteron (and the exclusion of stress!)

Masteron ALWAYS gives me a feeling of well-being and vitality - everything is good in the world when I run it - and I just love the granite, steely look I get when I'm a few weeks in. This was even more evident when stacked with Tren, I could literally see changes in the mirror daily.

If I'm going to be honest, I will only ever use Tren in exceptional circumstances in future. It certainly takes it's toll, wears you out and leaves you feeling run down. And the demands it places on the CNS are extreme.

Obviously I am stepping on stage in just over 11 weeks, so I figured the risk was worth the reward this time. But just for a general bulk or cut with no real end goal, I wouldn't add in Tren - I can get almost comparable results with high dose Test and a few other compounds used cleverly.

That's just my 02 cents.

I don't think people give Tren the respect it deserves.
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Thanks for the insight. I'm guilty of not giving it full do respect too by some degree. I do respect tren in that I only wanted to run it very low dose even as I've heard nay sayers alluding to the point that this low dose is a waste of time and money. I also had very reputable company make the point that this dose is plenty and safer because what a mean mofo tren can be relating to unwanted sides. Plus as my first tren blast I'd rather step slowly into the new waters rather than dive in head the younger me may have But going back to my original question, it sounds like u didn't run an ai for tren? The mast kept sides low eh? I will remember going forward.
Remember what I said... 'learn at least one new thing from every cycle"...

You'll hopefully learn from this that you can handle 50mg EOD and can ramp up the dose next time.

You'll also learn that D'Bol makes monitoring estrogen sides tough and perhaps that wasn't ideal.

Progressive cycling is the way forward buddy - start low and work upwards.
This has become a great thread.

I'm def. in a love hate relationship with Tren....more hate than love today

Not sure the sides are worth it for me. I questioned bailing today after another bad night of sleep
Remember what I said... 'learn at least one new thing from every cycle"...

You'll hopefully learn from this that you can handle 50mg EOD and can ramp up the dose next time.

You'll also learn that D'Bol makes monitoring estrogen sides tough and perhaps that wasn't ideal.

Progressive cycling is the way forward buddy - start low and work upwards.

That's a good way to package all this up. Key points right there.
This has become a great thread.

I'm def. in a love hate relationship with Tren....more hate than love today

Not sure the sides are worth it for me. I questioned bailing today after another bad night of sleep

I hear Ya G . The insomnia doesn't bother me much I guess but I get it somewhat. Hopefully this thread will help enlighten others as they contemplate running tren beforehand:-)
N I know there is countless threads similar to this one but there not THIS ONE!! This one has exponential wisdom and knowledge in it that surpasses the rest. (At least it sounds good when I say it like that). ;-)
And also only in a perfect 'Ology world would the same questions not come up again, lol. Just having fun now, pay no attention to my mindless ramblings....:bsflag: As the wifey puts it, "you got issues". Lol