New member
Thanks for jumping in on this b_saan! That is actually what happened to me. It started in my neck but move down into my shoulder, tricep, forearm and numbess all over. Its like my forearm is asleep and my fingers tingle, with strength loss. I went to a gp and he ordered a nerve conduction study, but the pain was so severe I went ahead and seen a chiropractor. I have only had 3 visits but it seems to be helping some. I'm glad to know this was the right thing to do!
No problem, you're doing the right thing. I used to think chiros were quacks but mine has literally saved my body. I was also on a 2 aday regiment of 500mg Naproxin for a month as well which while it doesn't really help with the nerve pain does help to reduce the inflamation in the neck and extremities.
Just like you, the inside of my thumb, my index finger and the index side of my middle finger were almost completely numb to the touch along with my forearm. I could move them and feel hot/cold but tingled all day long and you could poke them with a needle and not feel it. Using a mouse was torture. Seriously that nerve pinch wrecked me for months.
I'm now down to 1 chiro a week and have graduated from my rehab excercises restrengthening the rotator and spinal erectors so on the road to recovery but its a major road and it can happen again if you let your neck get out of alignment and/or dont use proper form so be careful. Also sounds like you didn't wait as long as I did which should help you recover faster.
Good luck man.