Fluid diet


New member
Hi all.
I know most don't reccomend this.

I am looking for someone that has had good results with something like 3 meals a day plus three shakes per day.

Something to this effect.

I Found a guy that says go against the grain and he looks really good.

I am just looking for anyone that has tried this to share their results.

Not someone that just knows better.
I personally supplement shakes whenever I possibly can. Don't get me wrong I eat, eat, eat as well. However, there are times when its just not possible to eat but you can drink. You WILL not gain as fast, and you will lose the gains quicker (meaning one day you weight 205lb then next your at 198lb). However, if you are consistent and still get the cals, carbs, pros, you can gain weight by having a half liquid diet. I know from experience. You must incorporate whey, casein, weight gainer into your diet and take them at the right times.

Again, this style is not recommended because its slow and volatile.
this may be the diet that he is on now at this time. not what he used to get here to the now. take it all with a grain of salt.
Hi all
Thanks for the comments.
I do eat as much as I possibly can, everyone around me cant believe that I eat as much as I do but I just cant reach what I need to.

I feel ill on the days that I actually come close.(I just cant eat what I am supposed to according to most sources here and bb.com)

Here are my thoughts:
If I can gain by eating as I do currently,(I gain slowly but want to gain more) and I supplement an extra 1000 cals via Liquid and go on a cycle(sust500,deca300)I end up gaining 10kg's. I should then want to eat more??

I am around 5'8 and weigh 73kg after cutting. I am around 11% bf

I am 28 and train 5 days.
3 days weights
2 days spinning