I have a few questions. My first question is have you had any problem as far as side effect or any issues with your liver or kidneys? Do you regret the decision of staying on year around? The reason I ask is I was always doing time on = time off and this time I actual ran a year cycle but all I took was test at 250. The reason I didn't come off is I just started personal training and didn't want to lose my size.(body issues)? Even at 250mg I was keeping all my gains, if I would have came off I would have lost 10-15lbs typically. I'm 32 and I'm gonna come off for 3-5 months and run a heavy Pct. Just wanted to know your experience. I sometimes trip out cause I'm worried I'm hurting myself in the long run.I hope I didn't permanently shut myself down oress the chances of having kids up.