For those who run gear year around.


New member
I have a few questions. My first question is have you had any problem as far as side effect or any issues with your liver or kidneys? Do you regret the decision of staying on year around? The reason I ask is I was always doing time on = time off and this time I actual ran a year cycle but all I took was test at 250. The reason I didn't come off is I just started personal training and didn't want to lose my size.(body issues)? Even at 250mg I was keeping all my gains, if I would have came off I would have lost 10-15lbs typically. I'm 32 and I'm gonna come off for 3-5 months and run a heavy Pct. Just wanted to know your experience. I sometimes trip out cause I'm worried I'm hurting myself in the long run.I hope I didn't permanently shut myself down oress the chances of having kids up.
so possibly... welcome to hrt..


dont worry.. even on hrt people have kids.. hcg and hmg are powerful
I have a few questions. My first question is have you had any problem as far as side effect or any issues with your liver or kidneys? Do you regret the decision of staying on year around? The reason I ask is I was always doing time on = time off and this time I actual ran a year cycle but all I took was test at 250. The reason I didn't come off is I just started personal training and didn't want to lose my size.(body issues)? Even at 250mg I was keeping all my gains, if I would have came off I would have lost 10-15lbs typically. I'm 32 and I'm gonna come off for 3-5 months and run a heavy Pct. Just wanted to know your experience. I sometimes trip out cause I'm worried I'm hurting myself in the long run.I hope I didn't permanently shut myself down oress the chances of having kids up.

Is be interested to see if you do actually recover. What will be your heavy PCT?
I had a surprise baby on TRT 225 EW and my wife was on BC. No problems with liver or kidneys, BUT I have labs completed probably more then needed, but you only get one life...
I got my ex pregnant after more than 5 years of uninterrupted test, deca, and more. I never had any problems and don't regret the decision. I've been on for 11 years with a 3 month break during which I recovered fully. Low doses now but it used to be a base of 500 test, 250 deca + sometimes more. Now its half that.
So it seems like it all depends on the person? Before I started my cycle I posted my results and everyone said my levels were great. What pct should I take?
I have a few questions. My first question is have you had any problem as far as side effect or any issues with your liver or kidneys? Do you regret the decision of staying on year around? The reason I ask is I was always doing time on = time off and this time I actual ran a year cycle but all I took was test at 250. The reason I didn't come off is I just started personal training and didn't want to lose my size.(body issues)? Even at 250mg I was keeping all my gains, if I would have came off I would have lost 10-15lbs typically. I'm 32 and I'm gonna come off for 3-5 months and run a heavy Pct. Just wanted to know your experience. I sometimes trip out cause I'm worried I'm hurting myself in the long run.I hope I didn't permanently shut myself down oress the chances of having kids up.

You're running my TRT lol. If I'm not on my TRT dose, I'm blasting multiple compounds for varying lengths of time. I have been doing this for over four years and once I started taking NAC some time ago, have yet to see any health issues that didn't exist prior.

With that said however, I have a daughter and do not plan on having any more children. If children are a concern for you, you may need to research HMG therapy and get a sperm count done. The longer you're on, the less likely an FSH signal to the testes will trigger sperm generation. If you still have swimmers, it may not be a bad idea to put some into a sperm bank for later use.

My magic 8-ball unfortunately won't tell me whether or not you will recover, so there's only one way to find out. You might get lucky, or you might have to keep pinning the rest of your life like me and many others. I do wish you the best of luck though.

My .02c :)
Wow that sounds like a tough recovery. I dont doubt that its possible though, just to what extent I dont know.. I mean you can always try and if later down the road its not meant to be, you can always get back on trt and just accept it. Besides we all know the risks we take when we stay on extended perioes of time.

Iv been on close to a gram of test for the last 8 months. I will also cycle dbol, tren ace, and maybe some TNE and tren base for various lengths. Iv been meaning to bring it back down to a trt dose of 200 a week, I just havent yet. Very soon I will though.

The only side effects iv experienced are an extreme increase in muscle mass, and an insatiable urge to have sex. Oh and a little high blood pressure.

All in all I dont have any regrets. Iv been training almost all of my life. Weightlifting is in my blood. Simply put, I truely believe I was put on this earth to lift weights. I dont give a fuck what anyon3 has to say about it.
I'm always blasting and cruising... mostly blasting. Pretty heavy!!!

A couple years ago my wife and I were planning on having a child but her tubes are blocked
so we decided to do this through in vitro.

When it was time to check to see how I was producing... I dropped everything with
the exception of running low test.

All tests came back great (plenty of strong swimmers) - and it's my educational guess this is
from running hCG for... 5 weeks on, 1 week off - then repeat. I do this throughout the year as I'm
blasting and cruising.

I'm 47 now, and this was a couple years ago without having any problems.

We decided to not have any children, but at least I know the hCG is doing what it is intended to do. :D
What type of PCT should I run. Man I love you guys. I think it's been 8 month so maybe I'll recover in the last I've always recovered really fast. In that 8 month I did stop for a month but didn't use clomid or anything just ran out of year. Let's hope to god that I recover I'm gonna run pct in 2 weeks and run some HGH for about 3 months and then run some tests. I have faith I'll be fine. Thank you all so much for the advice. U guys are some real cool people and it's so awesome to hear your stories and I've always been a big believer in god and I can say without a doubt none of us are bad people for wanting to be big and fit and live a healthy live a healthy life style. It's not like we are on crack or coked up so why should we be punished for taking a product that makes of feel confident. I love steriods it has helped me so much with girls,job interviews, confidence and so many other things.
I ran for almost 2 years.... Some very high blasts in there.... I had to stop to get sober... I was hoping for TRT... And a doc's perscription.... Alas... No luck...
My 8 months bloodwork showed that I'm right were I'm supposed to be for my age... I'm 53.
The human body has an amazing capacity to heal itself.
WELL.... Let me tell you my experience :)
I am 32 I been on/off gear for almost 4/5 years had 2 bad operations due to stomach acid reflux I am now left with half a stomach wrap an can't eat big meals (SUCKS)

I have never followed time off = time on (BIG MISTAKE AN STUPID BOY)

My baby boy is now due in 16 days!!
When I had my second operation I ran an POWER PCT like this:

HCG 1500iu Eod for 6 injects
Then clomid 100mg for 2 weeks
Then clomid 50mg for 3 weeks
Then went onto using Proviron 50-75mg ed for 2 months

Went on holiday drank everyday an my girl is pregnant...
I think everyone is different but I do admit I abused juice an I was a mess..

Now I'm back on cycle an plan on blast N cruising been on cycle now for 20 weeks :)

If u can afford HgH then I would say run it IMO Im sure it helps somehow
But go for a power pct
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