Fuck is this forum stil going


New member
havent been around here in years. where are my boys at. i dont remember names but these guys.

that guy with the 12 inch dick. he posted this pic of it next too two soda cans. he was like 60 and lived in a bar.

that guy who was foreign, italian or sumthing. he faked having good abs or something, claimed he was a nuclear phycisict and knew all about chemicals? i forget.

wasnt there also a guy who was like 25 and a virgin? and he was a total drama queen, lived off daddy's money etc. i believe he also had a hot sister?? pretty sure i rubbed one off too a pic.

some playa who had 2 cats, then one died, i dont remember anything else but he had a bangin gf

the one mod, legit bb'er. bald as fuck and was always cutting.

the fellow who fucked his cousin? bleach something?

the one chap who faked having cancer so he could get laid, i think it was by one of the womens forum mods. she blew his dick, didnt even get a doctors note.

faggot named goat something or other who broke down and said he liked other mens bellys. then he claimed he was straight but was still a fag.

there was a prison guard here, had a midget chinese wife?? or maybe he was the midget and she was normal. i think he drove a stang or something.
Thanks Chedda, RIP to my best friend in the world. Still not over it yet, but when i am i will be getting another blue Neo.
yeah bro, i know what you mean. i had a great dane for 11 yrs and it still hurts. i also had an english bulldog that my ex wife took in our divorce and that hurts as well.

im a dog lover!

when i get a house i plan on getting a blue neo.
sometimes i wonder how it happen than they go so wrong, till they got banned or out...
some of them where members since 2003-2005 it's big piece of time not?

after what if they posted sh*t... it's logical to get banned.
sorry for my delay in replying here. where did these fuckers go? it sounded like some drama happened, care to fill me in?

there was also Bo$/Lobbster1000/whoever it was...