GenHeal HGH feed back wanted

Don't want to hijack your thread, but I've been reading through the forum quite a bit lately on HGH, and following this thread, and I had a couple of questions, and it's obvious you guys know what you are talking about..... Bare with me, my post is longer than I intended...

I have tons of weightlifting related injuries/pains (mostly joints) and I am getting older, so am interested in age related benefits ie.. Tightening skin, more energy etc...

I am currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and could get HGH through them which would satisfy my safety factor (legit stuff and legal), but it's expensive as hell. Uncle Zed has the "blue tops" but I have read mixed stuff on this and I think it ships from outside US which makes me nervous. Haven't checked into it enough to see if it comes directly from china or is reshipped domestically.... And then I have been reading this thread which I then through google found several sites that say they sell it (GenHeal) and all seem to be set up similarly and priced the same, so I assume they are. And these are priced in the middle it looks like.

Anyway... I have tried peptides and didn't get what I was looking for out of it. Not sure if it was the quality of the peptides or just that peptides in general aren't as good as I had hoped (read several threads on HGH vs peptides.... They don't seem conclusive either).

I have a settled life.... Good job etc... So I have access to money, but also have responsibilitie. So trying to hedge my bets here with cost, quality, safety (legal wise) etc... As I am sure most people are. I just don't have much experience with this stuff. In my youth had plenty of experience with various AS's but HGH was always to exotic for one reason or another. I did Peps for about 6 months I think (was also on Deca and Test). On just Test now.

I guess I'm just looking for any advice... Thoughts... whatever...

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Well I think your looking in the right direction for sure. I just had surgery tuesday to repair a turn labrum right shoulder. This is only a small portion of why I use it. Ingeneral I think like you are. Look at the whole picture and what it has to offer. I look at it this way its a life investment for me. Not just about boby building. I am not even sure I will run it at those doses. Although when using Pharma over generic the dose required is typically less. Do to the superior quality. There are some good generics out there problem is there seem to be alot of inconsistancys.

Just look at what happend in december. I think Zeek discovered 5 of the larger distributors including the one here that got bunk stuff. To no fault of there own but there supplier. Which in my opinion shows they may all be using the same place. Sad but things happen. Hence the intrest on this thread of getting real Pharma grade. Yes its a little more but its real.

I will send you a pm see if you can even reply to it with your amount of posts. I have seen it on various places. I'm intrested in comparing notes. For some reason recently some guys have not even been able to reply to pm if they do not have min posts.

As for any specific questions post them up and we will try to answer for you. Out side of pricing,sourcing and the such quick way to get banned around here.
I have 12mg cartridge kit of humatrope
how many units in insulin syringe do i inject daily ????

Phatbastard - apparently I can receive your PM but not reply. I tried. Weird, because I thought I had replied to a PM from someone before.... If you PM me an email I can email you my current hushmail email..... I you don't have one, they are free to sign up for.... Wonder what the minimum # of posts for sending PM's is?
Phatbastard - apparently I can receive your PM but not reply. I tried. Weird, because I thought I had replied to a PM from someone before.... If you PM me an email I can email you my current hushmail email..... I you don't have one, they are free to sign up for.... Wonder what the minimum # of posts for sending PM's is?

50 so go spread some lovin LOL how is it that you have been a member since 08 with 14 posts

I'm pretty sure some thing changeed not long ago. Seems like I was able to return a pm when I joined but couldn't send them
Made an apt to set up labs tomorrow. I will still be waiting a week or so how ever before having it done.
Just received mine...I will be have my IGF test done on Monday after injecting...We shall see.

God Bless,

Just received mine...I will be have my IGF test done on Monday after injecting...We shall see.

God Bless,


Awsome please post them up. The more feed back the better. We would appriciate if you are willing to log any feed back if willing

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another 4iu this morning feeling great as mentioned above. This surgery makes it intresting to sleep to say the least. I will say in the blocks that I do sleep are incredibly sound. Don't really expect to be seeing any thing else for a while. Wish I weren't a 1 arm willy right now. It's killing me to not be able to do much. Oh I'm having stupid Vivid dreams also. Another unusual thing for my self.
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I'm more of a reader than a writer. I had another user name a while back but couldnt remember the password and I had let the hushmail account deactivate from lack of use that I had associated with it so couldn't recover the password and had to start over.... I don't think I had that many posts on that one either though.....
I'm more of a reader than a writer. I had another user name a while back but couldnt remember the password and I had let the hushmail account deactivate from lack of use that I had associated with it so couldn't recover the password and had to start over.... I don't think I had that many posts on that one either though.....

Sent u a pm old timer
PB sounding good so far, your results seem pretty typical to what I'm hearing, and in such a short amount of time to notice anything is great.

Last two kits I ran, I felt nothing at all, and didn't get more after the first each time. Kami is absolutely screwing many people, taking care of some others who probably were in a time frame with less orders, but claims to be testing his own product, sorry but I can't believe anything from him at this point, sad thing is people are still looking like crazy to purchase kigs from him because of one good batch!!!! I don't get it.

I'm tempted to get a bunch of GENHEAL right away and that would give me another year or so to monitor others and look for consistency.
PB sounding good so far, your results seem pretty typical to what I'm hearing, and in such a short amount of time to notice anything is great.

Last two kits I ran, I felt nothing at all, and didn't get more after the first each time. Kami is absolutely screwing many people, taking care of some others who probably were in a time frame with less orders, but claims to be testing his own product, sorry but I can't believe anything from him at this point, sad thing is people are still looking like crazy to purchase kigs from him because of one good batch!!!! I don't get it.

I'm tempted to get a bunch of GENHEAL right away and that would give me another year or so to monitor others and look for consistency.

Yeah man I'm shocked my self but I think everyone has figured me out by now I'm not of a bull shiter just call it how I see it!

I was shocked my self to be very honest! I truely don't expect to much more. For awhile but who knows? I will continue to post daily regardless if its small or nothing. So for I'm Very impressed. I didn't expect to feel any thing to be honest. Not this soon beyond pleased at this point
^THis thread is a1. . .Just curious as the difference between HG from overthere, and generics from overthere?. . . Like where they're made/how they are made/basically the distinction of HG from Normal and proving it for oneself?
Is there some kind of seal from their goverment/authentication procees of some sort ??

Actually somebody was trying to tell me this stuff is made in Europe ?
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THis thread is a1. . .Just curious as the difference between HG from overthere, and generics from overthere?. . . Like where they're made/how they are made/basically the distinction of HG from Normal
Is there some kind of seal from there goverment/authentication ??

No seal! Guess the best way to describe it would be go pic up testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) test from the Pharmacy then order some peps and compare! Genheal will compare to Pharma Test as far as packaging with instructions Lot # production Date and Exp date,

Compare to generic or peptides that look the same Nothing on those.