Gettin' Diesel


Community Veteran
1-4 Russian D-bol 35 mg/day
1-10 Spectro 600 mg Enthanate/week
1-10 QV Deca 500mg/week
1-12 25 mg Schering EOD Proviron (just for "free test" abilities)
1-12 Aromasin 25 mg/day
3-12 Denkall Anavar (var) 50 mg/day
Clomid 300/100/50

What do you bro's think?

Currently: Goals:
5'11 203 9.5-10% 215 8%

*Final goals are figured after all water loss figured.....TRUE Gains!
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Cycle is laid out nicely. How many previous cycles have you done? There are a few things that I might do different personally, but that would depend on how much past AS usage you have...
No way on 25mg of aromasin ED!!! We need some estrogen circulating for growth!! I would go 25mg every third day! Remember 1 tab is active for 5 days!
No way on 25mg of aromasin ED!!! We need some estrogen circulating for growth!! I would go 25mg every third day! Remember 1 tab is active for 5 days!

Good lookin out. I did read that as well. I tend to bloat pretty fricken badly so I put it down as an ED thing in my cycle. I will def keep an eye on this. Thanks for the heads up though.
DRveejay11 said:
Talk to me............

(Only 3 cycles under my belt)

I would go a bit lower on the dbol personally 25 mgs works great for me, I might also go slightly lower on the deca (but I don't really like deca), and I would not use the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (atleast not post cycle). However for your goals you may want to keep the dbol dose up there, and with the aromasin from what I have read its terminal half life is only ~24 hrs...but people keep saying take it e3d or so (I have not used it so I can't tell you first hand, and may never as I respond really well to arimidex and femara). I think the aromasin is so early that you will just have to wait and see and gauge your body.
The Terminator said:
I would go a bit lower on the dbol personally 25 mgs works great for me, I might also go slightly lower on the deca (but I don't really like deca), and I would not use the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (atleast not post cycle). However for your goals you may want to keep the dbol dose up there, and with the aromasin from what I have read its terminal half life is only ~24 hrs...but people keep saying take it e3d or so (I have not used it so I can't tell you first hand, and may never as I respond really well to arimidex and femara). I think the aromasin is so early that you will just have to wait and see and gauge your body.

1)you think 35 mg of d-bol is a lot???
Most have told me to go higher

2) why don't you like deca?
DRveejay11 said:
1)you think 35 mg of d-bol is a lot???
Most have told me to go higher

2) why don't you like deca?

It would depend on how you respond to dbol. I grow great on only 20 mgs. a day, and when I hit the 30 mg. mark I tend to get wicked headaches, lethargic, quick winded, and an overall general felling of illness. But when kept low those are moderate and tolerable.
I have only used deca in one cycle and its results were nothing stupendous. It was used with just test/deca 500/300 respectively. I was very unimpressed with it strength wise and I could not control the bloat at all, whereas with test I can take some arimidex and stay rock solid. I like drugs where I can counteract any of their potential negative estrogenic sides, but with deca it just becomes a game of holding on for the ride....