Getting ready for PCT

Yeah sucks but what can you do....Im about 255is now and i want to drop to about 230 so im in target when im ready.

Im gonna get myself better and do a couple of weeks normal training cruising and then hit it hard. He wants me to start doing more olympic lifts, which is cool just havent done them for years.

One cycle, well as soon as im gonna get better ill do 4weeks of slin and then after a month ill do tren/prop at the most minimal doses i can get away with. Im scared of tren and i promised the missus i wouldnt take anything that would enhance my sex drive for a while, just wanna keep it at normal ranges.
Yeah sucks but what can you do....Im about 255is now and i want to drop to about 230 so im in target when im ready.

Im gonna get myself better and do a couple of weeks normal training cruising and then hit it hard. He wants me to start doing more olympic lifts, which is cool just havent done them for years.

One cycle, well as soon as im gonna get better ill do 4weeks of slin and then after a month ill do tren/prop at the most minimal doses i can get away with. Im scared of tren and i promised the missus i wouldnt take anything that would enhance my sex drive for a while, just wanna keep it at normal ranges.

Oh man THIS should be interesting -e going to keep a log! I already have about 40 question! LOL The weight drop should be fairly easy for you - no? i imagine you burn calories like a steam engine. I guess the hard thing will be to not burn muscle. Whats your BF at now?

4 weeks of slin and then the cycle? have you done slin before? - always seems dangerous to me. That's to make you burn faster? Do you have to do daily blood tests with that to test your levels?

Tren prop sounds great - in Milky's words "nectar of the Gods" - why are you scared of it? (It's prolly my next cycle) Does the libido go thru the roof? that could be a problem - especially for me - being that my wife of 15 years is not.....Hmmmmm how can I put this????? never mind. hahahaha

Oh well - Sounds like a fukkin awsome plan, dude - I'm jealous!!! Hahaha
Damn Mikea looks like bad luck hits us both at the same time. Im sick as fuck myself. I made my move and went from a city to 4,000 ft eleavtion, freakin snowing today, lol.

Bad Ass shit man getting hooked up with a strongman trainer that should be a ripper. Funny I saw you can buy the log they use for shoulder press. I like the stones and the truck pull the best. I never knew strongman had weight classes. Ive only seen the heavyweights on t.v. like Pudianowzki. Whats the training reginmen like? Very little cardio I imagine. You think it's gonna be tough getting stronger and losing weight at the same time? I would love to personally im done being big and bloaty ready to finally tighten up after yrs. of packin it on. Shoot me PM let me know whats up.
Whats up Dlove! Yeah man sucks big time, im so effin bored being home sick!

Now i migth be wrong here but im thinking that its gonna be about transferring my raw strentgh to the events, as i have just peaked in my training theres no point to try and do an other peak at this point. So the training in the gym is gonna be maintenence, and go all out in the events training. Cardio will be a big part, not shure how yet but theres a lot of walking/running involved in the events. Im gonna keep bf at around 10-11% as from experience i know thats when i start to loose strength, im about 14 to 15%now. But i will loose strentgh for shure but thats where the tren/prop will come in hand;)
Anybody got any good tricks getting better from a fever?

Mine is raw garlic, seems to help!
Anybody got any good tricks getting better from a fever?

Mine is raw garlic, seems to help!

Blue berry juice works amazing for me, my uncle swears by it too. Its kind of hard to find but if you can its got TONS of anti-oxidants in it and always helps.

Alka-seltzer always helps me too
yeah man i used to eat frozen blueberrys when i was a kid when sick. Dunno where to find some in Bkk tho..

AlkaS really?...Ok i will give that a go!
Anybody got any good tricks getting better from a fever?

Mine is raw garlic, seems to help!

Sup homeboy. Garlic is the SHIT! Eat it everyday. Shitloads of anti-oxidants and fluids should do the trick. If you can get Z-pack at the local pharmacy it's a 3 day flu cold knock-out. Green tea has been helpin a lot too.

With the new training regimen you think farmers walk might come in handy for you now?
Z-Pack is an antibiotic. I don't know how that would do anything for a cold/flu.

From wiki:

Azithromycin prevents bacteria from growing by interfering with their protein synthesis. Azithromycin binds to the 50S subunit of the bacterial ribosome, and thus inhibits translation of mRNA. Nucleic acid synthesis is not affected.

The problem wit that is that it also effects the good bacteria.
Sup homeboy. Garlic is the SHIT! Eat it everyday. Shitloads of anti-oxidants and fluids should do the trick. If you can get Z-pack at the local pharmacy it's a 3 day flu cold knock-out. Green tea has been helpin a lot too.

With the new training regimen you think farmers walk might come in handy for you now?

Ok matey O! Yes garlic is great, ever try the aged garlic tabs you can get at gnc and such? Good shit!

Farmers walk will most def. be done a lot from now on!

Feeling a litle bit better today but nowhere near 100%. Last nigth was laying in bed thinking about training and how im gonna rip shit up when i get back:)
Feeling a litle bit better today but nowhere near 100%. Last nigth was laying in bed thinking about training and how im gonna rip shit up when i get back:)[/QUOTE]

Hahaha - so i'm not the only one who does that? (hulk dreams) I know you will! Can hardly wait to read about it!
LMFAO! Hell Yeah, you sure your not from the states Mike shootin out that bas ass lingo up in this BITCH! I love it thats the attitude Murder those fuckin pulls and presses BEACHHH!!!!

Hey with your farmers walk you go heavy for short walk or lighter for long walk? Light that shit up like the 4th of MOFO july!
Oh yeah sounds like you got a GNC closeby. Dude you gotta pick up Superfoods from there. BAD ASS Sup! 13 servings of antioxadants in one scoop. The powder is derived from the skins and peels of fruits and vegetables. Been taking it for a month and somehow the shit has really helped my vascularity all threw-out upper arms and chest and starting a little in the Quads. I cant tell you how good it makes you feel too. It helped me beat this nasty bug flu whatever I had without geting the Z-pac.
LMFAO! Hell Yeah, you sure your not from the states Mike shootin out that bas ass lingo up in this BITCH! I love it thats the attitude Murder those fuckin pulls and presses BEACHHH!!!!

Hey with your farmers walk you go heavy for short walk or lighter for long walk? Light that shit up like the 4th of MOFO july!

OI! Dont be calling me a yank you mofo!:D Just spent the last week before i was sick with two cool guys from LA that where on holiday here, maybe theyre stupid nonsense is rubbing on to me! I hate you americans! J/K :D

Yo Dlove, why not start your own journal??!!?? ;)
As for the farmers walk, i have been doing it with weigths that i can carry for a good 10-20meters before it starts hurting and then i try and squeeze an other 20 out of me. But for now iwe been doing them for gpp only, im shure now we will start using weigths that are real heavy from the get go.
Yo Dlove, why not start your own journal??!!?? ;)
m, lo.

Damn Mikea you dont want me chiming in on your journal nukem, lol, J/K. Yeah bro im gonna start one up here this week man. I just got moved back home here and joined a new gym that finally allows chalk thank god. Im gonna start that first routine in you posted up for me , cant wait the only thing is you suggested stickin with standard squats but im itchin to try Zercher squats bad. What you think? I should have a log by tuesday. Im hittin it natural for now but come June the shits on!

Hey so I did Board press yesterday and loved them I forgot though whachu suggest for my grip man, close wide?
Nice one bro, looking forward to reading it!!!!

Zercher squats are the bomb!!! If you have the mobility go ahead and try zercher deadlifts, and IF you have the room, load up that mofo bar and pick it up and wal with it. That will make you a beast!

So board press then, Louie recomends doing all board presses with a narrow grip, I however like to hit the chest more so for a 2´ i use normal, and then the higher the boards i will start narrowing the grip.