Getting ready for PCT

somebody reported me along time ago i was lookin at porn on my computer, lol

ROFL! I should put that in my sig:D

srsly tho i have done it so many times myself that im lucky i havent been caugth! Porn is addictive:(
Shit mikey you took me serious, lol I would like that pic for my personal collection

Shit leanbody now i gotta hide your avitar it doesn't stop, lol
Hahaa iwe been meaning to change to start the revolution, so i thougth i would.

I dont know if the tren imsomnia is already starting but can sleep, anymore that is, woke up at 5.30, yeah i know that for leanbody thats normal but not for me, not feeling tired tho.

Good tip for acne! Babypowder! They all use it in Thailand simply because it smells good, is good for the skin but most importantly absorbes a lot of sweat!
Mike are you getting winded quicker yet? What dose of test you runnin? Sounds like your tren might be kicking in, sweating hard and insomnia i hear are 2 sides. Anxious to hear when you get that freaky pump where you can literally watch yourself blow up thats a good side.
Notting else except sweating more then normal, only 6 shots in man dang! Gotta wait until monday to see how it is in the gym tho!
Shit leanbody now i gotta hide your avitar it doesn't stop, lol
- Dude - just don't get caught licking the computer screen!

Anxious to hear when you get that freaky pump where you can literally watch yourself blow up thats a good side.
Man i wanna hear about this too! def post all the details. BTW sorry you're waking at 5:30 but you'll get used to it - LOL - My best workouts are at 6 am after 8 hours of sleep - (unfortunately doesn't happen like that often...)
- Dude - just don't get caught licking the computer screen!

Man i wanna hear about this too! def post all the details. BTW sorry you're waking at 5:30 but you'll get used to it - LOL - My best workouts are at 6 am after 8 hours of sleep - (unfortunately doesn't happen like that often...)

Yeah lean tren is supposed to be similar to anadrol. I took anadrol and i guess it's from the rapid increase in red blood cells after just a couple sets it was like some cartoon shit you could literally watch your muscles swell up. Anxious to hear if mike gets this.
Yo bro - sup? waitin to hear about yor progress.... Plus you got to change that damn commie avitar!
And who ever said that Americans are ignorant....

Its an Anarchist black flag, and we anarchist see capitalism and communism the same evil.

Oh and it will not be changed.
I actually know it is an Anarchists flag. We Americans have a band called "Black Flag", kinda well known anti government theme to their music. It is the "property is theft" that confuses me. Half a world away, and united by iron! Rock on bro.
If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder!, my meaning would be understood at once. No extended argument would be required . . . Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?
—Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?
And who ever said that Americans are ignorant....

Its an Anarchist black flag, and we anarchist see capitalism and communism the same evil.

Oh and it will not be changed.

Yeah yeah yeah whoever said that must be insensitive to our feelings.... I might suggest if you are going to insist on the black flag, you present it in such a manner that it is welcomed with open arms in the true spirit of international friendship and respect. I submit this as a modest proposal:
Leanbody does make a strong argument for the blackflag ass pic. It does make anarchy look very appealing.
Leanbody does make a strong argument for the blackflag ass pic. It does make anarchy look very appealing.

Thanks man - I thot so - you don't think I was too much of an american boor?......I know Mikea is kind of a sensitive guy - i think he's the one who posted that he cried in "Terms of Endearment" and "Pumping Iron".....
My favourite Rage against the machine lyrics spring to mind: ``Fuck you, i wont do what ya tell me´´.

Are you telling me that you didnt cry in pumping iron?????

Training has been hard for the last couple of weeks, had a couple of awesome sessions, but tomorrow nigth my mom is flying back so things should get back to normal.

This tren is weird but unreal, iwe been eating pretty bad but iwe never looked this good...more on that later...
This tren is weird but unreal, iwe been eating pretty bad but iwe never looked this good...more on that later...

A buddy of mine was running 75mg of Tren Ace ED for like 10 weeks. Every time I saw him, he was bigger and leaner than the last time. I asked him what his diet was like. He said he had been hitting Taco Bell 4x a week and McDonald's 3x a week.

I'm not saying that everyone gets results like this, but from my experiences (and obviously his) running Tren gives you a ton a leeway in your diet and you look amazing no matter what.