Give me your honest opinion..


New member
Alright, been lifting for 7 years now.
Age: 23
Weight: 190 lean
Height 5'9

1RM lifts:

405 deadlift
245 bench
335 squat

My testosterone levels for the past couple years have been around 300-400, which I deem as low, especially at my age.

My question is, what do you guys think about hopping on a test e only cycle @ my age.

I've seen doctors and they say my test level is fine, which once again, I deem as BS.

Thoughts? Been doing research for the last year about cycles and I've just been holding off cuz i know the "appropriate age" is 25; however, my results and progress have been on a halt since I turned 19, even with bulking, strict dieting, different lifting routines, etc.

Appreciate the help guys, thanks.
A little research would be prudent on your part as to why your test levels are low. Find an endo who knows about lh Tsh and the other hormones that determine test levels.

Jumping on now without due research can surely lock you into weekly pinning for life. I found out in my mid fourties that I had low T and I'm already tired of sticking my ass 1-2 x / week.
Don't forget all the associated blood tests and dr visits to keep estro and hemotcrtit at bay. It's a pain in the ass, but I deal with it. However, if it were possible that I didn't have to deal, I'd be that much happier. Jus saying bro
Carv s right OP. And u are too. Whatever doc says 3- 400 at 23 s fine is an "average Joe is Ok " type of guy. It s enough to maintain bone mass and I assume ur sex life is good ?

My doc s lab s test range is 220-1100 so u d be low but not in danger of suffering from depression e d etc. TRT could very well loom if u interrupt the low flow of test u have right now. I been trt ing for 10 ? yr s now and I am blessed in that my 1 pin a week requires no ai, no hemocrit issues, cholesterol etc but all those must be addressed if they come especially for a young man.

Maintaining an EVEN FLOW of not just test but the myriad of all things that can skew can be a pain and costly. It s not an ez 23 I was all in and totally wrecked my hpta.

Good lifts b t w. !!!

Are u overtraining perhaps s ? If Power move numbers are your goal those require a ton of food bro and you need to LIMIT ancil movements if your gonna use strength to grow. Power training and high volume training do not coincide at all. Rest and copious calories are the key if your looking for bigger numbers..size will come has to.
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There are many reasons as to why you might be low in range, you'd be prudent to explore every avenue as to why first and foremost....

I guarantee you one thing.... those who recover well from cycling at a young age are usually the ones who have high natural Test levels to begin with.

Safe to say that if you are low in range - and cycle - the chances of a recovery back within range again are much lower.

Make the best of what god gave you first before going down the underground route.

You have a long life ahead of you. Far too early to commit to a life of needles!
You are making a decision which will most likely negatively affect your test levels. That means when you are off cycle, you will feel even worse. You get to make the right decision only one time sometimes.

Your test is low imo, just understand the consequences.
Welcome :wavey:

Ya know OP you got some real time advice here. Remember BB / PL/ WT is not a race. You got plenty of time so take a bit more time and do as much more research as possible with the right doctor.

You do seem to talk wisely so follow through with the wises decision and that's what you just heard from my buddies in here.

At my age I look back and say FVCK why did I do this or that with my life? What was the hurry? Follow the leads and figure it out and when you look back years on you'll have no remorse. Good Luck
Alright guys, so I've finally reached a decision, even w/ my low T levels and issues, I've decided to wait until I'm 25 to hop on my first Test E only stack,
however, I do have a question at this point. Considering my levels, should I run a basic 500 / week / 12 week stack and then PCT, or should I just hop on TRT @ 25 and blast / cruise?
Would like to grab as much knowledge base from the community before moving forth in 2 years :)

Appreciate all opinions / answers / helps.
BTW got a hold of my labs from 2012 as well (no recent FSH or LH other)

Testosterone, Total: 516.7 ng/dL
FSH: 2.8 mIU/mL
LH: 4.9 mIU/mL

Truth is, ran a PH stack back in 2011 as a stupid youngin, think that messed me up for good, test levels have been declining since then.
A ph cycle 2-3 yrs ago does not a trt patient make.

But it does seem ur test is declining to fast at such a tender age.

Find an endo with his head not up his ass.

U got insurance ?

Cav s right. If my gp were not beholding ( "owes me" for those of you in foreign places like outside the DEEPSOUTH ) to me I d be screwed but he knows my dabblings so I m on safe ground. 1 file for BC/BS one for US.
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Heres my honest opinion.... Sounds like you know how the site operates amd your telling everyone what they wanna hear about the age "25" rule....... Now for the members here if this guy is really un the 400 range for fuck sakes let the fucken man do some test you selfish assholes. Talking about not recovering "coming back" make the best of what god gave you fuck that lets see you guys train and carry on life with 400 test levels.

I dont believe anyone has a problem stucking there ass twice a week especially if they need it to function like a man. I admit i dread going into a blast where i pinn ed but once or twice a week is nothing. If you are telling the truth bro your not ginna magically get sky high test naturally your a grown man and the way i see it lots of guys run juice up not needing it, if you truly need it then you need it.
Heres my honest opinion.... Sounds like you know how the site operates amd your telling everyone what they wanna hear about the age "25" rule....... Now for the members here if this guy is really un the 400 range for fuck sakes let the fucken man do some test you selfish assholes. Talking about not recovering "coming back" make the best of what god gave you fuck that lets see you guys train and carry on life with 400 test levels.

I dont believe anyone has a problem stucking there ass twice a week especially if they need it to function like a man. I admit i dread going into a blast where i pinn ed but once or twice a week is nothing. If you are telling the truth bro your not ginna magically get sky high test naturally your a grown man and the way i see it lots of guys run juice up not needing it, if you truly need it then you need it.

couldnt have said it better myself
Appreciate the responses guys, truly I am still waiting for more feedback, I plan to wait until I'm 25 just to stay on the safe side although knowing I have low T is killing me, I also worry about losing my job @ work if I get caught since I work in a hospital setting.
Appreciate the responses guys, truly I am still waiting for more feedback, I plan to wait until I'm 25 just to stay on the safe side although knowing I have low T is killing me, I also worry about losing my job @ work if I get caught since I work in a hospital setting.

Good to hear keep us posted.
At your age I would look for every possible way to get your natural levels up. Your really way to young to be on TRT for life. I looking into your diet first. see what you can do there first.
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Heres my honest opinion.... Sounds like you know how the site operates amd your telling everyone what they wanna hear about the age "25" rule....... Now for the members here if this guy is really un the 400 range for fuck sakes let the fucken man do some test you selfish assholes. Talking about not recovering "coming back" make the best of what god gave you fuck that lets see you guys train and carry on life with 400 test levels.

I dont believe anyone has a problem stucking there ass twice a week especially if they need it to function like a man. I admit i dread going into a blast where i pinn ed but once or twice a week is nothing. If you are telling the truth bro your not ginna magically get sky high test naturally your a grown man and the way i see it lots of guys run juice up not needing it, if you truly need it then you need it.

How old are you ? how long have you been in the game?
i'd really love to see what your diet is like... i bet thats the issue and why youve stalled..

your test levels aren't horrible.. they are low for your age but that shouldn't stop your gains
i wasn't expecting this from you brother.... u know better
Heres my honest opinion.... Sounds like you know how the site operates amd your telling everyone what they wanna hear about the age "25" rule....... Now for the members here if this guy is really un the 400 range for fuck sakes let the fucken man do some test you selfish assholes. Talking about not recovering "coming back" make the best of what god gave you fuck that lets see you guys train and carry on life with 400 test levels.

I dont believe anyone has a problem stucking there ass twice a week especially if they need it to function like a man. I admit i dread going into a blast where i pinn ed but once or twice a week is nothing. If you are telling the truth bro your not ginna magically get sky high test naturally your a grown man and the way i see it lots of guys run juice up not needing it, if you truly need it then you need it.