Good Addition to Prop??


We've only won it 5 times
Age: 28
Height: 6ft 4'
Weight: 237lbs
BF: 8%
Goal: Looking to add 10lbs+
1st Cycle: Test E @ 500mg 1-14
Anavar @ 60mg 9-14
In first week of PCT now.

I have decided on a second cycle to begin in November/December. I have already received some of my prop. I previously wanted to get NPP but finding reliable is tough. I have also considered Deca.

Looking at :
T-Bol 30mg per day
Test Prop @ 400mg 1-8
NPP @ 400MG 1-8

good lil cycle i have ran similiar.Just finished a cycle of npp prop and Winstrol (winny) for similiar length is a good lil cycle to cut up if you can get the npp
If you cannot get the NPP, I would suggest tren over deca any day of the week

Have ran both been honest

tren ace was good for strength gains, but i didnt like the sides ie tren cough/disturbed sleeping pattern

npp and prop was good, strength gains werent as high was only down side
I just do not like deca


Nothing wrong with that. Some people get bloat, deca dick, etc.

example. I have to take 800mg of Eq to see shit from it. Thats alot of sauce when comined with other chems and there oil. So we all have our perferd.
NPP hands down !! Axio makes it called Duraplex and the shit is absolutely amazing!! Trust me.....fuck deca....even though it is somewhat similar but then not !!
The best cycle I ever did was test/ about a cycle that can go either way...bulk or shred's test/npp. NO doubt !!
I ran sustaplex at 975mg ew and Duraplex at 150mg eod. It's better mixed with something that is fast acting like the 2 props in the sus. But if one was to run npp with enanthate or cyp , I would start the npp at wk 3 or 4 , so both are kicking at the same time....thats just my preference on how to run a longer ester with a shorter one....but I guess npp could be started the same day as enanthate or cyp.
Sorry about answering more than just your question.... :laugh:
oooops my bad.....I ran 1/2ml (162.5mg) of the sustaplex 325mg/ml eod with the 150mg npp eod. Sorry about that. But thinking of running sus at 975mg ew with the npp this next time coming. It's coming ;)
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Im gonna run that same dosage and compounds this Nov. Was gonna do a oral Tren cycle with Sustaplex, but that isnt gonna work out like I wanted..
Im thinkin about Winstrol (winny) as well, if not Winstrol (winny), T-bol.
rang mine for 8 weeks didnt need tbol as felt the difference kick in straight away

weird question what is sustaplex??that just sus
Axios version of Sust, The Best imo.. I know about the straight kick, T-bol will give the extra ummm if U know what I mean..
Oh right all the stuff i use is by wildcat aint sure if am allowed to mention there name. Sorry mods if not. Have used there stuff a while now and am well happy with the gains