Good Tricep mass building excersises?


New member
I just signed up at golds gym.. I would really like to know some of the best workouts machine, or freeweight to get my triceps having some size. Thanks!
I like seated dumbell extension
and also skull is great too.

Board press i think is were u have a small board on your chest and so u lessen the ROM, so u can do more weight. Just guessing
Thanks guys.. I did some pulldowns, skull crushers, and seated dumbell extensions tonight at the gym. I could feel it good. :)
#1 for triceps for me is the close grip bench press, nothing beats that IMO. although skull crushers are a close second.
The_Iceman said:
#1 for triceps for me is the close grip bench press, nothing beats that IMO. although skull crushers are a close second.
Got my vote ,my core triceps excercise:D
PushDowns - Similiar to the Tricep extesions but you let your elbow flare out to the sides and push the weight down instead of just extending your elbows.
tad69 said:
Skull crushers put at least 5" on my arms!!!!!!!!!

what are skull crushers ?

i may not call them by that name... dunno.

i tried seated dumbell extension during last routine and it was really good, but not for mass building has the pushdowns were, especially those with a rope (hammer grip).
skull crushers are lying tricep extensions usually a cambered bar (curl bar) also called skulls, french kisses, head bangers, and Carl.
CipherLock said:
skull crushers are lying tricep extensions usually a cambered bar (curl bar) also called skulls, french kisses, head bangers, and Carl.


close to my ez curl bar laying triceps extension :)

when i do triceps extention, i try to keep my arms at an angle that is lower than 90 degrees with the floor, so that I keep more stress on my triceps through the whole mouvement range.
I don't recomend skull crushers for newbies. It's rally easy to cheat and end up putting an enournous amount of stress on elbows rather than tri's. IMO. I would stick to basics to develop muscle and good pumps then take it a step forward and start doing all of the over head stuff. Push downs are GREAT, and dips are great too. If you gym has an assisited dip machine it's even better. You can gradually decrease the amount of assistance and get ?HUGE? tri's while doing it.
Tried reverse grip ,felt all wrong never did em again.
I,m not discouraging anyone from not doing so as what does not work for me might work for others.