Got some gear testosterone and need help to get the best out of them


New member
Hi guys!

I have trained for 15 years and had 3 cycles before. Done test, deca and equip.

I just got some gear on my hands and now trying to get best info to build up one bulking cycle and one cutting cycle. My goal is to get 'only' 10-15lbs of hard muscle and trying to keep them after cycles.

Ok, enough talk here's my stats:

I have:
Anavar 5mg 200 tabs
Sustanon 250mg 8ml
Test propionate 100mg 10ml
Deca 300mg 10ml
Winstrol 100mg 20ml injectable

Nolvadex 20mg 150 tabs
Clomid 50mg 60 tabs

Here is my plan:

Bulking cycle 8 weeks
Sustanon 250mg / every week
Deca 300mg / every week
Winstrol 50mg every day / last 4 weeks
Nolvadex 20mg everyday
Clomid after 2 weeks of last shot

Cutting cycle 6 weeks
Anavar 25mg / every day
Test propionate 75mg / twice in week
Winstrol 50mg every day / last 4 weeks
Clenbuterol 20-80mg / every day
Protein diet, low carbs but still some
Nolvadex 20mg everyday
Clomid after 2 weeks of last shot

I like to keep test low on cutting cycle but still going on!

Any comments? It was hard to get the gear so I had to take what i get. And now I have been studying and thinking of how to make the best out of them.

What would be a best duration to be "off" between two cycles. Bulking cycle is 8 weeks so 8 weeks off before cutting?

I'm considering to divide this bulking cycle to two 4 week cycles and and keeping 4 weeks off between them. And then start the cutting cycle after 4 weeks of the last bulking cycle.

I would really preciate good ideas with no bullshit!
wow what a mess that is

TERRIBLE cycle plan. No offense but thats one of the worst ones ive ever seen.

I dont even know where to start

You need to do much research
test is way too low... among other things. What did your previous cycles look like? Honestly you don't even have enought test to do one cycle.
dude you dont have enough of any one thing to run even one cycle of one have way to much bullshit in there....just cause thats all you can buy doesnt mean you should buy it...find a better source or wait till he gets more shit...have you ever heard the phrase "k.i.s.s."??? keep it simple stupid. You are not going to bulk off that...if you want to bulk then eat. your planning on running deca at a higher dosage then test? lol and only at 10 weeks lol Please put that stuff in a secure storage area and start have not a clue my friend
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Yeah..... if you have that on hand already thats cool but get some more test man! Im really curious about your past cycles. something's fishy
Whatever happened to running a single compound on your first injectable cycle like Test and maybe D-bol. KISS is definitely the way to go to minimize the risk of sides.
Hi! Thanks for replys.
Yeah, I know these are not optimized cycles, thats why I wrote here to ask for advice.

My last cycle was sustanon 250mg/week, deca 250mg/week and dbol 30-40mg/day for 10 weeks. Got something like 35lbs of mass and great strength, but lots of water also. But like I said I'm not interested of 35lbs of mass. 10-20lbs lean muscle is just fine for me after the cutting cycle.

I know that now I'm missing some test, and I'm not going to get it. If I do following changes am I going to right direction:

Bulking cycle 8 weeks
Sustanon 250mg / every week
Test propionate 100-150mg / every week
Deca 300mg / every week
Nolvadex 20mg everyday
Clomid after 2 weeks of last shot

Cutting cycle 6 weeks
Anavar 25mg / every day
Clenbuterol 20-80mg / every day
Protein diet, low carbs but still some
Nolvadex 20mg everyday
Clomid after 2 weeks of last shot

But when to use vinny? I have understood that anavar and vinny together is not good for liver.

By the way I like this ideology
You dont have enough to run one bulk let alone two. First off the sus and deca are slow releasing esters so eight weeks is a little short. For sus and deca i would advise 12 weeks. As for splitting it into 2 4 week cycles... Youll only begin to see results at around 5 weeks so no you could not do that. Lastly running deca at a higher dose then test will really fuck with your sex drive which is not some thing you want.