
my shoulder was outta commision for a while...hence the sorrry ass gimme a break....
gymphreak said:
my shoulder was outta commision for a while...hence the sorrry ass gimme a break....
"how much can you bench?"

-quote from everyone and anyone who's casually lifted in thier lives.
Taking into consideration all the steps used in homebrewing, I don't see the need to spend "sterile" filter money unless you are trying to get away with not baking.

After all, it is a FILTER. It keeps contaminates on one side, not letting them through to the other. Whatever may be on a non sterile filter bacteria wise, and I would wager to say it is nill, would be taken care of in the baking process.

Save some dollars with non-sterile filters.
gymphreak said:
sterile or nonsterile, i dont really see muchof a price diffy
finafarm has em nonsteril for 2 bucks each

edit* had em for 2 each, all i see now is steril ones for 3.50
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