PUSH'S Bulk Cycle Log

No training today.

Calories 3487
Pro 215
Carbs 387
Fat 89

Work tomorrow til 2 ish then its Thanksgiving with the Family.


Happy Thanksgiving!!
Had to work til 1pm, but we had wings, tenders, boneless wings, cheese trays, and cupcakes for lunch.
Then home for more pre-dinner snacks and appetizers.
Standard Thanksgiving Dinner with my Brother's family and my squad.
After dinner, ran an errand, then some cyber shopping.
Just had another good sized plate of food while watching football.
Couple beers and I'm off to bed.

Calories 4319
Pro 273
Carbs 405
Fat 154

Tomorrow its work then Chest Day in the garage.


Chest and Shoulders in the garage tonight.

Incline DB press 4x15, dropset 1x15/10/10
Incline barbell press dropsets 4x10/12
Flat bench press 2x8, 4x4, 2x8
Seated DB shoulder press 4x8
DB rear flyes 4x12
Standing side laterals 4x10
Superset DB front raises w/ upright rows 3x15/12

Calories 3613
Pro 257
Carbs 371
Fat 98

Too many baked goods around me ;)
Weight was 171 this a.m.


Quick Arm session in the garage.

BW dips 4x15
Close grip bench 1x15, 3x10, 1x15
Alt DB curls 1x15, 3x10, 1x15
Seated French press 1x15, 3x10
Seated hammer curls 1x15, 3x10
DB skullcrushers 3x20
DB preacher curls 3x20

Calories 3514
Pro 252
Carbs 350
Fat 86

Morning weight was back to 170 lbs.
Leg Day tomorrow
