PUSH'S Bulk Cycle Log

Back Day
Lots of volume today....

Machine lat pulldowns 3x15, 3x10
Tbar row neutral grip 1x15, 2x12, 3x8, dropset 1x6/6/10/15
Lat pulldowns close neutral 1x15, 1x12, 3x8, dropset 1x10/8/10
Cable low row wide neutral 4x14-15
DB high row 4x12
DB shrugs 4x12
(SS) HS iso low row w/ upright row 3x12/15

Weight was 170.2 this morning.
Preworkout feeding pic...

View attachment 565595

Arms blasted!

BW dips 4x15
Bar pushdowns 1x25, 3x15, dropset 1x12/12/12
Cable bar curls 1x25, 3x12, dropset 1x8/8/8
French press 1x25, 3x15, 1x20
DB preacher curls 1x20, 3x12-15, 1x20
DB skullcrushers 1x20, 3x15, 1x19
Seated hammer curls 1x20, 3x15, 1x22

Some porn as well.....
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Leg Day

Leg extensions 1x35, 3x20, 2x15, dropset 1x12/6/12
Hack squats 4x15
Leg press 2x25, 2x20, 3x15, dropset 1x20/15/20
Seated calf raise (rp) 1x22/15, 1x20/14, 1x15/12
Machine calf raises dropsets 1x12/10, 1x12/8, 1x12/8, 1x12/8
Lying single leg curls 4x15

Calories 3576
Pro 251
Carbs 346
Fat 101 (not good)

I didn't realize that canned cresent rolls were loaded with fat.
Ate my dinner, then entered it into myfitnesspal and BAM....fat grams through the roof.

Chest and maybe shoulders tomorrow.


Chest and Shoulders today.
I've been doing alot of high volume sessions lately so I decided to switch it up a bit today.
Did some warmup sets of each exercise just working up in weight(just 4-6 reps), then went a little heavier with all the working sets.

Pec Dec (warmup x3) 1x8, 3x6, rp 1x6/4/4
Incline DB press (warmup x3) 5x6, rp 1x7/4
Flat bench (warmup x2) 4x6, rp 1x7/3
Machine rear flyes (warmup x3) 4x6, rp 1x6/6/5
Machine lateral raise (warmup x3) 4x6, rp 1x6/5/4
Machine shoulder press neutral grip (warmup x3) 6x6
Cable flys (warmup x2) 4x8

Did some shopping with the kids, then played some golf til it got dark.
Now Sunday Night Football.
Today was a good day.


Golf :-[ when I golf I am more angry than I am happy....the ratio is completely off.!
The guys I play with pound beer and claim that the beer helps flip the ratio...haha
My conclusion is that golf is a game for crazy people!
Golf :-[ when I golf I am more angry than I am happy....the ratio is completely off.!
The guys I play with pound beer and claim that the beer helps flip the ratio...haha
My conclusion is that golf is a game for crazy people!

Sounds like some of the guys I used to play golf with. I have an annual golf trip with my buddies but other than that, I just play with my daughter. She is still learning the game and taking lessons. She played on her school team the last two years. It's refreshing to play with her.
And your conclusion is spot on brother, only someone who is crazy would subject themselves to such a cruel game.
Today was Back Day.
Like yesterday I did some warmup sets, working up in weight just 4-6 reps each.

BW pullups 4x12
Neutral grip pulldowns (wu x3) 1x8, 4x6, rp 1x9/5/3
HS iso low row (wu x3) 1x8, 4x6, rp 1x8/5/3
HS iso lat row (wu x3) 4x6, rp 1x7/4/3
HS iso high row (wu x3) 3x5, rp 1x8/4, dropset 1x12/15
HS seated shrugs 4x20
HS standing shrugs 4x12

Ate fairly clean today.
Calories 3525
Pro 282
Carbs 385
Fat 66

Legs again tomorrow.
About the warm up sets as you proceedEd thru..... after pull ups and pull downs the back should be well warmed up... are the 3 reps warm up more for the mind Muscle connect or do u really need the warm up?
I ask only cause Im always afraid of tiring out Muscle with too much warming up and not being able to go as heavy.
About the warm up sets as you proceedEd thru..... after pull ups and pull downs the back should be well warmed up... are the 3 reps warm up more for the mind Muscle connect or do u really need the warm up?
I ask only cause Im always afraid of tiring out Muscle with too much warming up and not being able to go as heavy.

I was using the warmup reps to help figure out what weigh to use, and just to get the body used to the weight and movement.

Legs Done.

Leg extensions 2x20, 3x15, dropset 1x10/8/8
Hack squats 4x15
Leg press 2x25, 2x20, 3x15, dropset 1x20/20/30
Machine calf raises 1x20, 1x17, 1x14, 1x12, 1x12
Seated calf raises dropsets 1x20/12, 1x15/10, 1x15/11, 1x18/10
Seated leg curls 2x20, 3x15


View attachment 565606

Calories 3576
Pro 247
Carbs 411
Fat 79

Arm Day tomorrow.

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Got Arm day in.

BW dips 4x15
Cable overhead ext. 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x10/10/10/10
Smith Close grip press 1x15, 1x12, 3x10, dropset 1x12/12
Rope pushdowns 1x15, 3x10-12, dropset 1x10/7/6
Db preacher curls 1x20, 1x15, 3x12, 1x15
Low Cable curls 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x10/8/8
Machine preacher curls dropsets 1x12/10, 1x10/10, 1x8/9, 1x6/8, 1x8/10, 1x8/8/10

Boring PWO Meal
Chicken, Rice, Broccoli

View attachment 565609
Calories 3727
Pro 258
Carbs 436
Fat 77
Rest Day tomorrow.
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About the warm up sets as you proceedEd thru..... after pull ups and pull downs the back should be well warmed up... are the 3 reps warm up more for the mind Muscle connect or do u really need the warm up?
I ask only cause Im always afraid of tiring out Muscle with too much warming up and not being able to go as heavy.
Muscles don't have eyes... they only know effort and tension. Aka, don't get caught up on moving as heavy weight as you can. Break down muscle fibers is job one. A by product of more mass is strength, but it's not necessarily the ultimate goal
I'm probably just reminding you what u already know though

Weight 171 this a.m.
Chest and Shoulders today.
Gym was busy!

Superset: Pec Dec w/ Machine rear delts 1x12/12, 4x10/10
Barbell ohp 1x12, 4x10
HS iso bench press 1x15, 4x10, rp 1x15/10/8
HS iso incline press 1x15, 4x10, 1x15
Cable chest flyes 4x12-15
Seated front raises 3x15-18
Bent rear flyes 3x20
Seated side lateral 3x15, dropset 1x15/12

Wanted to do Smith Incline Press but it was busy so I turned to the old standby Hammer Strength!

Calories 3824
Pro 266
Carbs 429
Fat 86

Pizza Night!
View attachment 565620
View attachment 565621

Damn dude and to think I turned down free Mexican food earlier lol, is your carbs numbers with or without that tasty lookin pie?
Damn dude and to think I turned down free Mexican food earlier lol, is your carbs numbers with or without that tasty lookin pie?

Carb # is with the pizza, I conserve throughout the day when I know I'm going to have a higher fat/carb meal. I only had 1/3 of the square pizza and 1 slice of the pepperoni. :beertoast

Leg Day
Leg extensions 2x15, 2x12, 2x15
Hack squats 1x20, 2x15, 2x10, dropset 1x10/12
Leg press 1x30, 1x25, 3x20, dropset 1x20/20/30
Machine calf press 2x15, 2x12, 1x15, 1x20
Seated calf raises 1x18, 3x15, dropset 1x12/10
Lying single leg curls 2x15, 2x12
Leg extensions dropsets 1x10/10/10, 1x12/12/12

Calories 3498
Pro 264
Carbs 374
Fat 69

Back Day tomorrow before work.

PWO Pancake
Krusteaz Blueberry Mix, 4 egg whites, 1/4 milk, and I added 3/4 scoop vanilla isolate.

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Quick Back session before work.
BW pullups 4x12
Pulldowns wide neutral 1x15, 3x12, dropset 1x8/6/8
Tbar row wide 1x15, 3x12, rest pause 1x6/5/5, dropset 1x10/10/15
DB shrugs w/ upright rows 1x15/20, 3x15/12, 1x20/15
HS iso low row 1x20, 3x12, 1x20

Calories 4015
Pro 250
Carbs 493
Fat 86

Late night at work led to bad food decisions.
Arms tomorrow.
