Guys, why use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500i.u every 4th day....

i dont know mranak ive gone 1000iu before and it helped sex drive then too. alot, but i wasnt on AS at the time.

5/15 update

well sex FUNCTION still real high, get wood wearing tight undies. the true test will come later this week, i do hope i stay this good though.

btw, my inability to finish the act is limited to actual sex not jerk off sessions. i think it was just the shitty condoms.
mranak said:
Exactly! No need to go above 500iu/day.

gator_mclusky: I don't know why you keep asserting the possibility that a low dose of hCG might desensitize the leydig cells. That's like saying that not being shut down will desensitize them.

You like the old protocol which we KNOW can desensitize the leydig cells. Fine. But we _know_ that your protocol can desensitize the leydig cells. So lets not advise new guys to us a protocol that may hurt them how about?
While I agree that that's what the research has shown...I don't believe that the way Gator uses HCG has a high degree of risk for desensitizing the leydig cells. This is not to say there's no chance but I believe it's fairly low. From personal experience having done both types of HCG use, I can honestly say from a practical standpoint I didn't see any difference in the end result. I use the small dose during cycle method just b/c I feel it slightly increases my libido while taking very suppresive compounds like tren.
simpllyhuge said:
so can some one recomend a dose for me to take eod? im taking to increase sex drive on deca test and tren
Try 300iu EOD and if you don't notice results then increase upto 500iu EOD.

Many of the HRT guys notice increased libido or well being within hours of injection.
yeah in the past i noticed it kick in right away. i think im gonna be doing ed injections soon so ill just see if i can dilute it even more.
bump! im in post cycle therapy (pct) right now just took 500iu yesterday. i was told (by a guy whos in this game for 20 years) to take 500iu/day for 10 days with nolva, then continue nolva for 2 weeks, then clomid for 2 weeks or more.

Ive ended my test (only a 125mg shot of testoviron BTW) 10 days ago and he said im fine. however ive been hearing not to take more than than 250iu/day so now i dont know if i should go 500iu ED or EOD! only 10 days too.

but anyway, i took it about an hour before pulling from the floor yesterday and i thought i wouldnt be able to hit 30 more pounds on my DL than last time for barely 3 reps or so but i nailed like 7 reps and didnt fail at it either (2 reps or so short of failure). then i added 50 MORE pounds and did a single. so i dont know if it had any effect within that short of time but i did feel confident regardless.
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yeah its exactly 500iu only for 10 days anyway. i hate hearing how more than 250iu will desensitize you. they made those amps 1500-5000iu for a reason. they made it for 1 shot.
Starkraven said:
yeah its exactly 500iu only for 10 days anyway. i hate hearing how more than 250iu will desensitize you. they made those amps 1500-5000iu for a reason. they made it for 1 shot.
Well, the vast majority of people that get hCG from the pharmacy are women and they aren't likely to have much of a problem with their leydig cells, now are they? :D

hCG has been available for a very long time. We know more today, but since it isn't a high profit pharmaceutical drug and since it is available as a generic, the drug companies don't have much interest in paying for the expensive clinical studies necessary to get the package insert changed. And it is also true that most physicians aren't current on hCG use in men.

Who told you that more than 250iu of hCG/day will desensitize the leydig cells? That is inaccurate. The risk starts at perhaps 1,000iu/day. But 250iu is often recommended because 250iu is more than enough.
swale says no more than 250iu a day. whatever, seriously. does he take the stuff himself and desensitized himself or what? im taking 500iu daily for only 10 days. already on day 2.

im wondering something. i got a friend who is 37 and on 5000iu EOD with 25mg clomid ED for using gear since 20 or so up until last year. He would never recover properly and such. So according to swale and everyone else, he just messed himself up or what? steroid shutdown is secondary hypogonadism whereas desensitization is primary. so then he must have done himself worse and he's trying to recover...

i also have a friend who took a 5kiu shot out of nowhere, doesnt even train or juice. i dont know why he took it but do you think he damaged himself?
.most of us are just stabbing in the dark running our own personal experiments .........people used to rujn it at the end now they run it right through??
Well, in all cases you take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and it gets the job done. Some get good results with low doses, some don't. Some get sides with high doses, some don't. I think there will never be a 'universal' way to run it.
Thoms said:
Well, in all cases you take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and it gets the job done. Some get good results with low doses, some don't. Some get sides with high doses, some don't. I think there will never be a 'universal' way to run it.
Very well put.
Just like some can look at Anadrol and get higher enzyme levels while others tos 150 mgs a day down their throat with no problems.

You pretty much summed it up Thoms.
