GW50 to offset a Tren cycle

Only sarms I've ever used were from a sponsor on this board

Fair enough bro everyone responds differently to different stuff I've taken s4 and nothing then I've taken lgd and felt like I was on deca everyones different
I love GW50. I am taking a break from it for a while as I continue to heal from my surgery. It does not work for everyone, there are some non-responders and I really do feel bad for them, because I saw a great increase in cardio performance while using it. My sweet spot is 30mg.
running gw for two weeks now . actually look forward to cardio. heck even running tren this go my BP is 119/67 today. wtf. my pulse is still high, but thats expected. gonna give it a few more weeks, but my cardio endurance seems right on. had lower back pump today doing incline treadmill , thats what stopped me early today (been having bad back pumps lately) , but cardiovascular I feel good to go