HEART ATTACK from steroids?!

Mudge said:
Friend of mine has had 6 heart attacks and 5 strokes, the last stroke left him bed ridden for about 6 months. He still has problems walking, the left side of his body is laggy in terms of motor response.

jesus fucking christ man....that sucks !
Yeah, who knows what the real cause of it is, but nobody else in his family has been through the same shit. Basically, he felt invincible for a long time because nothing really did damage until the last stroke hit, being bed ridden for so long didn't help the situation since it was pretty depressing for him.
of course

bigjay00 said:
is this a serious thread?

Yes, it is a very, very serious thread. Those who laugh- fools- know not what they do.

I am making a workout schedule for Rupert. He WILL gain 50 pounds of muscle under my direction, or die trying!