Heavy bag for cardio??


New member
Was thinking of getting a punching bag and working that over instead of doing treadmills. Have done a little in the past and seemed to be a very good workout. What do you guys think??
yeah the heavy bag always has me sucking wind in no time. just hate running and elipticals and bikes. heavy bag helps build some good muscle too.
I know it would build endurance at least. I dunno about size tho
was hoping it would be good cardio so i woudln't have to do those damn treadmills and ellipticals!!
Get a water filled bag if your worried about your hands, I believe theyre the softest. Supposedly wrapping your wrists helps...I dont really see how to be honest but w/e. I guess its like wearing a knee brace which I also dont get how it works. That shit is complicated to learn though you gotta have someone show you.
Do you understand stand how a bench shirt works? sqaut suit? why running shoes have thick cushioned soles?
its great for cardio, its more like HIIT than endurance stuff which IMO is awesome.

If you learn how to punch right you shouldn't have any wrist problems
it also builds bone density, which is great especially if you ever have to hit someone or something, after a while the sting and aches go away. I bet you see your bench increase after a little while, mine did at least.
aProtege said:
Do you understand stand how a bench shirt works? sqaut suit? why running shoes have thick cushioned soles?
yep but your wrist isnt going to snap in half from a punch the only injury you could get would be due to compression of the wrist and I dotn see how squeezing your wrist prevents this. And yes, there is possibility that your wrist could bend from punching wrong and you could snap it, but this amount of bending will never happen. try punching anything right now and tell me if your wrist has any possiblilty of bending over 90 degrees backwards...you would have to be swatting at it sideways and then driving your wrist through. Therefore I can conclude that the only injuries you could possibly get are from either compression of from shearing(if your wrist bent a little then was compresed, that could screw some things up. Problem is with wraps on you can still bend your wrist that little bit). And on top of that after wearing hand wraps for 10 minutes theyre loose as all hell and have to be re-wrapped anyways.
But anyways, im obviously wrong since everyone uses them. Just wanted to point out that its not exactly common snese how they work.
Actually when you wrap your hands you make multiple folds across your knuckles with the cloth part of the wrap that acts as a cushion. You then tape over that. Combined it really reduces the chance of injury. It is a pain in the ass to wrap and you really need to have someone do it for you.
inked1 said:
its great for cardio, its more like HIIT than endurance stuff which IMO is awesome.

If you learn how to punch right you shouldn't have any wrist problems

what are the wraps for? wont they hurt your hand?
good for work stress too. if you have a good imagination you can beat the shit out of your boss or one of your favorite co-workers. relief at last
i train mma and our main use of the heavy bag is cardio. get some good bag gloves and you should be ok. llike harbringer gloves, inexpensive, and include enough of a wrist wrap to protect the wrists.
slyfalcon said:
good for work stress too. if you have a good imagination you can beat the shit out of your boss or one of your favorite co-workers. relief at last
I've only been doing this for a couple days, but i think my stress is already going down. ITs like a treat coming home after i hit the weights and beat the hell out of my 100lb heavy bag. :D
and yes...i try and stay mobile when doing so. I'm no pro however, so i might wait a while before i post some clips angrymuscles.
My cuz is like a pro at this stuff- kickboxing and a several other forms of martial arts, but he's all the way in IL so we're too far apart. :( Other wise i could get good at it :p