Help me help my father. HGH vs TRT


New member
A couple months ago my father tore his lat while lifting. He went to the doctor, ended up getting blood tests done and the doctor mentioned he is a great candidate for HGH and/or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). My father is 50 years old and has been lifting since he was 20. He has never touched gear in his life. He is as healthy as a horse, 5'8 probably around 190lbs and 16%bf (I'm guessing because I haven't seen him in a couple months). He mentioned what the doctor said and I told him HGH would probably be a better choice but to not do anything until we both research some more.

Until then I told him to start taking some bulk DAA powder for a month and get blood tests done again. The doctor said he has low T but did not give him the exact results (I told him to ask for a copy) and maybe the HGH recommendation was just because he had a bad muscle tear.

I am going to talk to my father again about it and wanted to know from you fellas what info should I ask for so that he can find out if he really needs testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and/or HGH or if his doctor is pushing this on him...Also if you guys had to choose (at the age of 50) to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or HGH what would your choice be and why?
I'm 24 and have no experience with either HGH or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but why not both? A low dose of both would seem to be the best course.
Lucky dad! Normally we have to beg!

I hang out in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section normally. If your dad has a doc who will prescribe TRTwithout a drama that is great. Get your dad or yourself to research like crazy, as the docs don't know that much.

Do it right and he will be jumping out of his skin.
Is this doc affiliated with a Life Extension clinic ? HGH is high dollar shit...and doc s are money hungry fuckers too. Most orthopdic surgeon s are owner s or part owners of rehab facilities....get it ??

If he can get under insurance or if he s got the it.

If his test is that for sure as I know it s covered.

BOTH if feasible.
Thanks fellas. My pops has legit insurance and he has money to cover HGH but like I said the doc might have just been offering to heal his injury. I told him today not to turn any test or hgh down if it's it's funny that everyone here would strangle a cat for their doc to offer this but my pop's like "fuck it, I'm not taking something I don't need"