hey guys, question?

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Local Gym Rat
hey guys i am sorry this may be a waste of b oard space to some but i am kinda a rookie at thios since this is my first time however i am under supervision of a novice....i have recently recieved some white fina powder...i saw the sticky on how to make certain powders but fina was not in there can anyone help me out on what i will need i have enough to kill a herd of cowws but i only want to make a about 200cc's sorry if this alll seems dumb but any pros out there who know how to make it and the ingredients i will need would be a huge help thank you all happy holidays.
I have a couple problems with your post that I need to get cleared up.

- There is no such thing as fina powder, do you mean trenbolone acetate?

- Tren ace powder is almost always yellow, not white.

- Everything you need to know can be found in the stickies.

- You need to a LOT more research before you tackle a conversion. I suggest you begin reading up. Start with the stickies.
DougoeFre5h said:
- You need to a LOT more research before you tackle a conversion. I suggest you begin reading up. Start with the stickies.

Why? I mean, he IS under the supervision of a 'novice' :D
rjh - completely random, but does that tat go down ur right shoulder, im tinkin about getting one over my right shoulder and onto my delt/bicep. also how much did it run you?
haha random sry guys. haha
hmlacrosse said:
rjh - completely random, but does that tat go down ur right shoulder, im tinkin about getting one over my right shoulder and onto my delt/bicep. also how much did it run you?
haha random sry guys. haha

No problem, young gunz knew this was a waste of board space when he posted it twice. haha

It starts from across my right side rib cage, up my right lat line as you can see, over my clavicle, around my right delt, and down my chest a bit onto my right pec. 10hrs of chair time total. (5x2hr sessions). It cost me right about $1K. Alot of money, but it is a badass tat, and the deal was if I got the tat, the wife would get her kitty pierced. So I would say it was a good trade off!! haha
thanks alot for the help brothers of the forum board really apprecitated it is called finoplex or finaplex and it is a white powder i have the conversion kit and ive read the stickies before i ever posted a stupid thread but it wasnt in there thats why i asked i read before not just waste my time posting things and getting sarcastic answers so maybe theres someone out there who takes me seriously since every one who posted here isnt serious i know you guys started out not knowing jack shit and you got what you know know form reading and asking questions!!!! i thought this forum was for talking learning and helping one another not shunning them!!!
hey rjh ill bet you didnt know anything when you were a rookie in not mad but jeez guys throw mw a freakin bone hear ive been frozen for ten freakin years.....hahah alright i have some powder fine grade like flour...anywho my firends are much older than me and have been in the game longer than me and knoe i see it cant truly be finoplex thanks to pullin big i am a rookie to making this stuff whatever it be i will take a pic of it but i dont think it will help because the secret person we get it from alters the packaging to help us...it is a very good friend of a friend if you guys know how that goes...anyway can you make fina into a solution and what would it be compared to....i myself have heard of fina but dont know shit about it i looked for threads already posted but had no luck, so i turn to my brothers of the forum...as for you rjh you look good i hope i look i little bigger by the time im your age seeming that im only 21 id post pics but i have tatoos covered on me and i would not like to reveal my identity. maybe if i grow some nuthair i will. sorry for the waste of board space guys but i thought if you looked for threads and you couldnt find anything you could ask a question!
young-gunz21 said:
hey rjh ill bet you didnt know anything when you were a rookie in not mad but jeez guys throw mw a freakin bone hear ive been frozen for ten freakin years.....hahah alright i have some powder fine grade like flour...

Maybe it is... try making some bread. :goof:
young-gunz21 said:
hey rjh ill bet you didnt know anything when you were a rookie in not mad but jeez guys throw mw a freakin bone hear ive been frozen for ten freakin years.....hahah alright i have some powder fine grade like flour...anywho my firends are much older than me and have been in the game longer than me and knoe i see it cant truly be finoplex thanks to pullin big i am a rookie to making this stuff whatever it be i will take a pic of it but i dont think it will help because the secret person we get it from alters the packaging to help us...it is a very good friend of a friend if you guys know how that goes...anyway can you make fina into a solution and what would it be compared to....i myself have heard of fina but dont know shit about it i looked for threads already posted but had no luck, so i turn to my brothers of the forum...as for you rjh you look good i hope i look i little bigger by the time im your age seeming that im only 21 id post pics but i have tatoos covered on me and i would not like to reveal my identity. maybe if i grow some nuthair i will. sorry for the waste of board space guys but i thought if you looked for threads and you couldnt find anything you could ask a question!

This response is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors that almost force me to hit the back button. I know Im being a dick here, we all spell shit incorrectly but god damn, use a "." and a "," once in a while.

2... OMFG theres no such fucking thing as fina powder. Its a brand name for cattle implants. If you come to the chem forum use the chem name, its trenbolone aka tren. Find out what the ester is, most probably acetate. Yes you're a rookie and by the sounds of things you have no business converting anything into an injectable. If you cant grasp the concept of hormones, chemical names and esters you shouldnt be anywhere near this, and it may be by no fault of your own. Whoever your so-called friends are who unloaded some mystery powder on you - well you know the rest. Let me step off this soap box and go back to lookin at porn.
He 's also 20 years old and to young to do gear. Here's the powder you need if you want to make some gains. IT'S CALLED WHEY PROTEIN
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