HGH....need help!

hey guys, whats up?

I stopped weight lifting for about two years and I weight now 181 Pounds 10% - 15% fat, I'm 177Cm tall...I'm getting back now and doing 12 weeks reshaping program to put self in a better shape.

after that I'm planning to use HGH....I did some reading about it, and thought its worthy to try it and for me to get advice from you guys who know more about it or tried it.

I tried some cycles before but plain simple ones like Deca, D-bols, primo's, winstrol depots and test enanthant...

this time I want something different, Do you advice to use it if I can afford it? and how to use it?

Thanks alot guys, your help is mostly appreciated. :confused:
I dont know that I can answer this properly or what you will want to hear... it says in your profile you were born in 1980....so heres my thoughts...

I dont believe in the idea of taking GH at an early ages because I feel it may have alot of negative consequences as there are no long term studies or any studies really on young normal subjects using exogenous hGH. What I mean in reference to this is that it may cause production and maintence problems with the bodies own production and I am not aware of anything similar to clomid when it comes to kicking gh production back to normal.....If you were 30-35 I would say go for it simply because your hGH levels would be in decline as it were and replacement therapy is a good way to stay young and keep the body functioning properly.

What is it about hGH thats is so attractive?
I with natty, at your age I don't think it'll be that beneficial for you at this point. I think you'd be better off training for a year or 2 then juice, save the hgh for down the road, way down the road.

Its just that what I heared of this so called "Magical stuff" or the "dream hormone" that builds huge amount of muscle & burns fat at the same time made me see it very attractive!! ya know what I mean? but after what I heared from you guys and from what I read, putting in mind the age factor, I'll probably consider using it later on.

Thanks alot Guys!!! :)