HGH -- Timing of inject discussion

Biggie....I set next to Tom Prince during the Olympia 2003.....I asked him if he remembered me....lol....I said I was the kid asking you all this shit about HGH....lol....Then we went to a table in the VIP section and we got to talk for 10min or so.....

Tom is a very nice guy....he seems very honest.....he told me he rather tell me the truth and the correct way so I don't end up fucking up my body....

He told me the exact same thing what he said before....

He does 4ius of HGH at night time...on bulking cycles......on comp prep he does 6ius before bed time...

He said why would you waste your HGH during the day if at that time you don’t use it….
You only use it at night to repair and grow your muscles….

Then he also said he cycles 6 ON 3-4 off…..on the off time he uses Clomid, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), sometimes some Nolvadex….I’m sure he also throws in there some insulin but he said he doesn’t use slin that much….
I had a very good time talking to him there…..I also saw Chris Cook..he sat right in front of me…nice guy also….
That's a little different from what he said at Muscle Mayhem.
He said:

-No GH off-season

-Only 3 iu during contest prep at bedtime.

-Never used insulin except carb-loading for a show.He said he did only one 10 iu shot with the first carb load meal.I asked him if he wasn't curious what insulin could do to him as far as size,he said " I'm not curious about having my belly hanging to the floor"
Anyone who is deficient in HGH will obviously be taking it at night, they're replacing their own natural production exo-
can i ask you a couple questions about hgh? i wanna know if its somthing i should take
GH side effects...

Yeah, those are some weird sides effects, perhaps from something else? Either way, sorry to hear that. GH has so many positive effects I think everyone should be on it. Stick with it, see if your negative effects subside; anything new into the body can take a while to get used to. Once you get through those stages, it's great. Looking leaner, sleeping better.....the hand numbness goes away too.
I'm trying to heal up an injury (hip flexor strain) so that i can get back out on the field. I don't know much about HGH, but I was lookin at getting a 5 week cycle at 2 shots a week. Is this even gonna do anything for me?
I agree with the morning administration of GH. You body's circadian rythm programs your body to release most of your GH as you sleep at night. You ever wonder why you experience jet lag so bad, its because your body is releasing your natural gh during the day making you tired rather than at night time. If you shoot morning and then let your naturel secretion occur at night you will get a double dose of GH.
I'm trying to heal up an injury (hip flexor strain) so that i can get back out on the field. I don't know much about HGH, but I was lookin at getting a 5 week cycle at 2 shots a week. Is this even gonna do anything for me?

That would pretty much be useless. You need to administer at least 5 days a week for at least 3 months to really get the benifits of GH. I would recommend 2iu a day for you.

hi guys
this is the firts time i use steroids and i'm using depotrone i take 200g per week this is my third week i need to bulk and cut at same time is this the write thing that i'm doing, any advice will do i'm also using usn product gaktec+creatin and muscle fuel(dynamic)
what do i need to add on. depotrone is the most reachable stuff in RSA
used gh a few times always at night but was thinking of trying am since body already produces gh at night and exogh suppresses endo gh and levels are low in am would make since to let body make own at night then take in am and have levels high for as long as possible i was also told not split if u are not taking at least 3iu at a time i only take 3 iu a day or would take at night and am as this seems like the best of both any feed back would be helpful thanks
used gh a few times always at night but was thinking of trying am since body already produces gh at night and exogh suppresses endo gh and levels are low in am would make since to let body make own at night then take in am and have levels high for as long as possible i was also told not split if u are not taking at least 3iu at a time i only take 3 iu a day or would take at night and am as this seems like the best of both any feed back would be helpful thanks

i have been trying to take 2.5ius upon waking, and then another 2.5 after my workout. but if i workout late, and can't have at least 6 hours after the shot before bed, i just wait and do a 4iu shot before bed.

i am still under the impression that it's best to do during the day unless you're an old fart because my body is still producing it naturally at night.

i really wish there were more long term studies on real people like us with this shit, but has anyone come across any new info?? i haven't been on this board in years and i wanna start readin up on everything again and see what's new
before bed seems to make the most sense to me...it's when your body is growing and repairing. wouldn't there be a reason why it's released naturally at night? how much hgh would naturally be released in a grown man in a 24 hour period vs. say 1 i.u?
Hi guys. I am starting hgh and have 10iu amps.... I am hoping to bulk and am thinking of taking 4iu ed. Can someone tell me how to mix the sterile water with the powder , when to put in fridge, does it have to go into fridge and how long do you take it out of the fridge before injection and how long it has to be in fridge before in jection ie on first bottle... this may seem like stupid question because you guys seem pretty experienced but i would be grateful for any help

hey, im 22, just started takin hgh. i cut mine in half i stick at 5 in the morning and 5 at night. so 12 hrs, no matter what the day. i dont stick on sundays. my thought was, in the morning gh levels are low, so jump start them, and it should help the fat burn throughout the day.
since they peak dueing sleep and post workout, i figure 5 pm would be a good kick before bed. before the workout to jump them, so they r higher post workout. and then as they start to fall, naturally raise agin during sleep.
i just took advice from several ppl, and tried to add my own logic. does that sound legit? or only make sense in my head.?