High-dose test = panic/anxiety attacks???!!!

Hi guys,

Anyone else have this? I'm on the 15th day of test-e at 750mg/wk with a front-load, and had a couple of anxiety attacks today. If so, how do you deal with it? It seems to go away if I take a quick stroll and escape. Is this maybe aggression manifesting itself as anxiety?
IMO it's mental... your probably experiencing paranoia. It happens to me alot too.. I used to think it was the gear but from my research nothing leads to that possibly being the cause my anxiety. Just my personal experience.

try googling it and finding different articles. Thats what I did.
Nope it wont. Either you have mental issues and if so you should never touch the stuff. Or youre just thinking so much about it (worried about getting them) that you start getting problems.
Nope it wont. Either you have mental issues and if so you should never touch the stuff. Or youre just thinking so much about it (worried about getting them) that you start getting problems.

thats not a very good solution. panic/anxiety attacks happen to tons of people for many different reasons, it has nothing to do with whether or not they are suitable for aas. my take is that when most people that aren't used to cycling are in the midst of a cycle, they do tend to become overly observant of possible negative effects. most of which were always present but never paid attention too bc the person wasn't doing anything different. some of these changes in the user may have a relation to the introduction of substances, but for the most part of what i hear (ie. panic/anxiety attacks), they are totally unrelated.
Ive never had that with Test. Ive run as much as a 1000 mgs a week at one time & felt good. IMO anxiety,A.D.D., Bi polar and every other thing that the medical world comes up with. That cant be detected by a blood test is in your head. We need to be strong mentally before we can be strong physically In the words of William Wallace's Uncle Argile"First we learn to use this(our minds) then we learn to use this( our strength). This is JMO good luck
Well, I certainly appreciate the responses! I'm not a dramatic or emotional person, so it really surprised me that this happened. I guess no one is a rock, but I wouldn't consider myself to be a loose cannon emotionally, and seriously doubt this is 'all in my head'. I wasn't concentrating on symptoms or worrying about them when it happened; I just felt that huge rush of adrenaline for no reason. I had a slight headache and blurry vision after I posted, so I went to the pharmacy and my BP was 168/120. I hung out for a few and sat down with a Muscle and Fitness mag, then tried again, and over the next 10 mins, it went back to almost normal, and now I'm calm as can be. I started dbol a few days ago @ 40mg/day, so I'm def. going to drop that, since I was in Stage II territory there for a little while.
Ive never had that with Test. Ive run as much as a 1000 mgs a week at one time & felt good. IMO anxiety,A.D.D., Bi polar and every other thing that the medical world comes up with. That cant be detected by a blood test is in your head. We need to be strong mentally before we can be strong physically In the words of William Wallace's Uncle Argile"First we learn to use this(our minds) then we learn to use this( our strength). This is JMO good luck

A pulled muscle or broken bone can't be detected by blood test... does that mean they don't exist? There is a very fine tuned chemical balance in your head involving all kinds of hormones etc. How hard is it to believe that one of them could be out of whack enough to cause a "mental" problem?

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, anemia... a ton of other things in your body that are caused by too much or too little of something cause health risk/problems. So when such a thing happens in the brain, obviously it's going to cause problems with what the brain controls, the mind.
On the note of test though, no, i've only had mind issues with tren, and nothing too bad, but just cause that's me doesn't mean that's you.
Maybe I should expound upon what I consider an 'anxiety attack': significant release of adrenaline/noradrenaline without an appropriate environmental stimulus.
A pulled muscle or broken bone can't be detected by blood test... does that mean they don't exist? There is a very fine tuned chemical balance in your head involving all kinds of hormones etc. How hard is it to believe that one of them could be out of whack enough to cause a "mental" problem?

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, anemia... a ton of other things in your body that are caused by too much or too little of something cause health risk/problems. So when such a thing happens in the brain, obviously it's going to cause problems with what the brain controls, the mind.

I do agree with what you are saying. Im just simply stating that it seems nowadays there are so many reasons that the DR. are putting people on meds. Sure there are disorders but when I grew up they were called emotions, and we dealt with them. We did not pop a pill for it.
I do agree with what you are saying. Im just simply stating that it seems nowadays there are so many reasons that the DR. are putting people on meds. Sure there are disorders but when I grew up they were called emotions, and we dealt with them. We did not pop a pill for it.

I'm not looking to pop a pill for anything, just wondering if anyone else has had this happen. I have read about high estradiol resulting from high t levels causing this, but I've been using adex, so don't think that's the case.
I do agree with what you are saying. Im just simply stating that it seems nowadays there are so many reasons that the DR. are putting people on meds. Sure there are disorders but when I grew up they were called emotions, and we dealt with them. We did not pop a pill for it.

Aiite, i feel what you're saying, and btw, im not defending it b/c im on anything for a mental issue, im not and never have been. I just get kind of annoyed at people telling people with legit mental disorders to "get over it", I do agree with you that doctors are way too quick to put people on meds for psych issues though.
Update - I upped my adex dosage, and no more anxiety to speak of :) Also got an ACE inhibitor for my BP, which has stayed up (normal effect from the test, no doubt).
my workout partner has every form of anxiety and OCD so me and him have talked with hundreds of doctors and physicians and the only time anxiety can manifest is post cycle if not a good post cycle therapy (pct) is bein done due to the harmones fluxing gear actually helps anxiety
Had simaliar thing couple days ago. Was at the movies and previews were on it was a scary movie or something i started getting panicy feeling it was weird only other time i felt like that was when i went skydiving, Which everyone should do!!! ne way it was weird feeling, gota be from the test neva had it before.