I lead a pretty happy life knowing I'm saved by faith through grace.
Plus, if I die and I'm wrong, what have I lost?
But if a non-believer dies and they're wrong... game over, man.
This is not 'new' evidence of anything. Just a slick con man trying to get rich with another bullshit book.
i love this argument when i hear it. If this is true God is really a narcissistic sonofabitch, and if all that "only those who believe in me will enter the gates of heaven" shit is true, i don't wanna be with that egotistical bastard anyway.
Its like the "god has a plan for everyone" argument. what about the guy who sodomizes infants for fun.... what's god's big plan for him?
Sorry, all a bit shady for me.
Now I follow the principle(as best I can) that we each have to find our own peace in life. Our own path that allows us to reach our potential. The human spirit is amazing when its at its beauty points, doing the impossible. Yet at its darkest hours people can commit atrocities that most of us cannot comprehend why they did it.
btw Fister, that wasn't directed at you brother. You have your views and I have mine. And I will always respect someones views.
Which is why i usually don't talk about religion or politics in public to people i don't know.
It's a computer generated narrator aswell,
has one of those xtranormal video voices.
As a Creationist (believing man has only been around for roughly 4,000-6,000 years) and a Christian that video makes alot of sense.
this is a good reminder that we have not had one of these movies on here lately and someone should make one up on something (involving RJ)
The problem I've always had with creationist apologists is that they seem stuck on believing that certain things are true just because they believe that they are true.
Yes, and we have to be careful when we bring God and Christianity into these discussions and try to use them as a gauge for anything. Why? Because Christianity is the youngest of the 'old world' religions and many of its principles and standards were copied from the ones that existed before it. The Christian concept of a spirit 'God' is also not unique to Christians or Christianity and existed long before ancient Israel.
I was raised as a Christian, too. So I would never knock anyone who chooses to continue to believe the things that the churches teach today. But I have learned from study of world religions that many of those things are not true and also did not originate in the Bible as many Christians believe. The story about Adam and Eve, Noah and the Flood, Cain and Abel, even Jesus' fable about the Prodigal Son, and many others...including the story about a Messiah and right up to predictions about the end of the world... much of this stuff was copied from much older Mesopotamian literature from many many years before, and from Greco-Roman folklore and literature.
Learning these things shook the foundation of my spirituality to the core. Its not a comfortable thing when you're confronted with irrefutable evidence that many of the things you firmly believed to be original and true are actually not so. But it makes no difference what any individual chooses to believe or not believe; as RJ correctly said, that always boils down to heated (and non-productive) arguments between people who arrogantly believe that their philosophy and worldview is superior to everyone else's. And people will hate, slander, and even kill you if you don't subscribe to their bullshit.
Not every artifact is dated by Carbon methodology but this gives us a good point of reference, and the ground occasionally coughs up evidence that some revisionists have tried to deny---for instance, the time when the dinosaurs lived, or the timeline that divies up the geological periods.
I believe in God. But I also believe that many of the things people have been taught about God are lies based on misinformation that carried over from the Classic periods when the ancient Jewish religion blended in with Greek and Roman culture. The problem I've always had with creationist apologists is that they seem stuck on believing that certain things are true just because they believe that they are true. Another example: the creation and age of the universe.
God as the Creator and absolute authority over all things has allowed an awful lot of bad things to carry on among humanity throughout time. But even 'good' and 'bad' are subjective descriptors---in other words, mere points of view. The Christian churches have collectively been behind more war, bloodshed, and privation than any single government or political entity that has ever existed. And they can justify these things with excerpts from the Bible, which tell stories about God and his angels leading the Israelites successfully into battle. But was this divine rectitude, justice, favoritism, or bullying? The point is not about choosing one of these four options but realizing that perhaps God didn't have anything to do with any of it at all. The corpus of my argument in this thread is embodied in the preceding sentence. This is the reason that materialist philosophy has always dominated and directed the attitude and behavior of most people---even the ones who claim to be righteous.
Here's a little something Bill Maher said that I found interesting
" Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't have all the answers to think that they do. Most people would think it's wonderful when someone says, I'm willing, Lord! I'll do whatever you want me to do!
Except that since there are no gods actually talking to us, that void is filled in by people with their own corruptions and limitations and agendas.
And anyone who tells you they know, they just know what happens when you die, I promise you you don't.
How can I be so sure? Because I don't know either, and you do not possess mental powers that I do not" Bill Maher