Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

I just started a TRT with my regular physician, which coming from prior experience was a hassle to go through. However she is younger and seems to be more interested in getting people who need it healthy. I know there will be some information I need to gather for specifics, but for now I am hoping I can get some sort of generalized answer.
I want to be at the high end of the testosterone spectrum as I have suffered from low T my entire life, I had it checked back in my early 20's and it was very low then around 280 nl/ dl and my free was around 4-5 and well I am 35 now so naturally it got even worse.
My question is what I can I do or tell the doc to get my testosterone up to that optimal higher end range? Is blood work the key to it? If I wanted to do my own blood work, is there affordable options out there? I think that is a good place to start, thank you in advance.
She pinned me once and wanted me to come back in two weeks to see how I felt and we discussed increasing the dose and or adjusting frequency and she even said that after the first 2 injections if I felt comfortable enough she would get me everything I need to do it at home instead of going in every 2 weeks. I believe she gave me around 200 ml of I hope enanthate, I asked the physician who was shadowing but he had no idea. I will find that out.

Thank you for the help!

For desired levels, just tell your doc what you wrote. See if she will work with you on it. Say you would like to be in the upper third of the normal range.

Pinning once every two weeks is a horrible idea if you are using cypionate. By the time you do your next injection your testosterone levels will be close to zero. I pin twice a week to keep fairly even levels. I don't recommend going more than once a week with cypionate. If you are using Nebido you can wait longer between injections.

I use PrivateMDLabs to run my blood work. It's a lot cheaper . They utilize LabCorp facilities around the country to draw the blood and test it.

Below in my signature is a FAQs link. In there you will find another link to a sticky thread on TRT. That thread will expand on my answers here quite a bit and answer. Whole lot more for you about TRT. Give it a read.
Hey guys,

Just looking for some advice..
Basic stats: 5"10 - 32 Years Old - Male - around 215 pounds (20-25% Bodyfat.)

I'm from Australia and have felt like crap for the past 12 months+ maybe even longer but after working with my doctor who refused to do blood tests multiple times and kept trying to throw anti depressants at me, I've been dealing with extreme fatigue.. low libido, erectile dysfunction, depression.. terrible recovery from the gym etc.

He finally tested me twice a few months apart for Total and Free Testosterone, not sure if he did E2 etc. but the only results he gave me were my Total/Free Testosterone an they were:

Total Test: 2.3 nmol/L or 66 ng/dL
Free Testosterone: 78

Now I don't know the Australian to US conversion for Free Testosterone but the total test would be around 66 ng/dL which is beyond low my doctor said and so he has sent a referral off to a urologist/endocrinologist to be seen before he can prescribe me TRT and the protocol they use here is Testosterone Undecanoate every 12 weeks @ 1000mg.

Only problem is with the public (Free) health system over here the wait time is around 6 months thanks to cov-19 so my question is for advice, I can get Test E from a friend and yes its UGL but he and his friends have had labs done and the Test E is defiantly not bunk, would you guys suggest trying say 50mg of Test E every 3.5 days for a few months then getting blood work? doc is open for blood work now so that's not an issue.

Or would you tough it out at these extremely low Testosterone values for another 6 months? obviously the main goal is TRT with a prescription and regardless of if I start Test E now I'll be switching to the prescription in the future but my anxiety/depression is almost at breaking point at the moment and my other symptoms are hard to tolerate.

Any advice would be great,

Thanks all.
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Hey guys,

Just looking for some advice..
Basic stats: 5"10 - 32 Years Old - Male - around 215 pounds (20-25% Bodyfat.)

I'm from Australia and have felt like crap for the past 12 months+ maybe even longer but after working with my doctor who refused to do blood tests multiple times and kept trying to throw anti depressants at me, I've been dealing with extreme fatigue.. low libido, erectile dysfunction, depression.. terrible recovery from the gym etc.

He finally tested me twice a few months apart for Total and Free Testosterone, not sure if he did E2 etc. but the only results he gave me were my Total/Free Testosterone an they were:

Total Test: 2.3 nmol/L or 66 ng/dL
Free Testosterone: 78

Now I don't know the Australian to US conversion for Free Testosterone but the total test would be around 66 ng/dL which is beyond low my doctor said and so he has sent a referral off to a urologist/endocrinologist to be seen before he can prescribe me TRT and the protocol they use here is Testosterone Undecanoate every 12 weeks @ 1000mg.

Only problem is with the public (Free) health system over here the wait time is around 6 months thanks to cov-19 so my question is for advice, I can get Test E from a friend and yes its UGL but he and his friends have had labs done and the Test E is defiantly not bunk, would you guys suggest trying say 50mg of Test E every 3.5 days for a few months then getting blood work? doc is open for blood work now so that's not an issue.

Or would you tough it out at these extremely low Testosterone values for another 6 months? obviously the main goal is TRT with a prescription and regardless of if I start Test E now I'll be switching to the prescription in the future but my anxiety/depression is almost at breaking point at the moment and my other symptoms are hard to tolerate.

Any advice would be great,

Thanks all.

It would be wise to contact IMT directly to ask them this so they can give you a free assesment. and shame on that trash wannbe doctor who wants to get you hooked on antidepressants.
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Hey guys,

Just looking for some advice..
Basic stats: 5"10 - 32 Years Old - Male - around 215 pounds (20-25% Bodyfat.)

I'm from Australia and have felt like crap for the past 12 months+ maybe even longer but after working with my doctor who refused to do blood tests multiple times and kept trying to throw anti depressants at me, I've been dealing with extreme fatigue.. low libido, erectile dysfunction, depression.. terrible recovery from the gym etc.

He finally tested me twice a few months apart for Total and Free Testosterone, not sure if he did E2 etc. but the only results he gave me were my Total/Free Testosterone an they were:

Total Test: 2.3 nmol/L or 66 ng/dL
Free Testosterone: 78

Now I don't know the Australian to US conversion for Free Testosterone but the total test would be around 66 ng/dL which is beyond low my doctor said and so he has sent a referral off to a urologist/endocrinologist to be seen before he can prescribe me TRT and the protocol they use here is Testosterone Undecanoate every 12 weeks @ 1000mg.

Only problem is with the public (Free) health system over here the wait time is around 6 months thanks to cov-19 so my question is for advice, I can get Test E from a friend and yes its UGL but he and his friends have had labs done and the Test E is defiantly not bunk, would you guys suggest trying say 50mg of Test E every 3.5 days for a few months then getting blood work? doc is open for blood work now so that's not an issue.

Or would you tough it out at these extremely low Testosterone values for another 6 months? obviously the main goal is TRT with a prescription and regardless of if I start Test E now I'll be switching to the prescription in the future but my anxiety/depression is almost at breaking point at the moment and my other symptoms are hard to tolerate.

Any advice would be great,

Thanks all.

The urologist is probably going to want to run labs on your again. So you can't come in with normal or high testosterone levels. Same with your primary care doc. If he sees that your blood work suddenly looks good, he wj cancel your referral.

So if you do this, you need to keep it secret from them. That means coming off at least a month before you see the urologist.
The urologist is probably going to want to run labs on your again. So you can't come in with normal or high testosterone levels. Same with your primary care doc. If he sees that your blood work suddenly looks good, he wj cancel your referral.

So if you do this, you need to keep it secret from them. That means coming off at least a month before you see the urologist.

Thanks for the advice, the wait time for the urologist is around 6 months so I guess a month or two before I will just get off.. if you had Testosterone levels as low as me (66 ng/dL) would you think that's safe and acceptable to live life around those levels for another 6 months, I know you aren't a doctor but just what you would personally do sort of thing.
It would be wise to contact IMT directly to ask them this so they can give you a free assesment. and shame on that trash wannbe doctor who wants to get you hooked on antidepressants.

These doctors take an oath man, that is serious as a heart attack....Medical Definition of Hippocratic Oath. Hippocratic Oath: One of the oldest binding documents in history, the Oath written by Hippocrates is still held sacred by physicians: to treat the ill to the best of one's ability, to preserve a patient's privacy, to teach the secrets of medicine to the next generation, and so on ..
Hey guys just wanted to say I am a huge fan and very thankful.

I am 31 and have been on trt for 6 years and because of this site I have been able to get dialed in pretty nicely. This is my first post so please bare with me if this isn't the right way to pose my question.

my recent labs were typical and aligned with most of the other people on trt but a huge red flag popped up when I looked over my last labs. my DHEA is superrr high and I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to why, how, and what to do about it? thank you

total test =770 ng/dl
estradiol = 36 pg/dl
DHEA = 1230 ng/dl ??!!!!

Thank you for any feedback. All my research after reviewing my labs point to an adrenal tumor or cancer...
Hey guys just wanted to say I am a huge fan and very thankful.

I am 31 and have been on trt for 6 years and because of this site I have been able to get dialed in pretty nicely. This is my first post so please bare with me if this isn't the right way to pose my question.

my recent labs were typical and aligned with most of the other people on trt but a huge red flag popped up when I looked over my last labs. my DHEA is superrr high and I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to why, how, and what to do about it? thank you

total test =770 ng/dl
estradiol = 36 pg/dl
DHEA = 1230 ng/dl ??!!!!

Thank you for any feedback. All my research after reviewing my labs point to an adrenal tumor or cancer...

What are you pinning, taking for your TRT?
Hello, new guy here, 50 years old, looking to start my first TRT plan. Tire, depressed, low sex drive and getting worse each day. Looking to run 500mg per week, with AI twice per week, HCG and PCT in addition to N2 Guard. Want to be more cautious so I am going to use everthing to help prevent any issues. **********NO SOURCING ALLOWED ON OPEN THREADS******** I am sorry if this post is ignorant and or misguided so I want to be out front of the shaming. I see guys who are new get slammed so forgive me for being an idiot. I will take the heat, because I am tired of feeling like crap, and want to get this started asap, so i can get on the path of feeling great and start working out again. Thank you all in advance. Rich
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Hello, new guy here, 50 years old, looking to start my first TRT plan. Tire, depressed, low sex drive and getting worse each day. Looking to run 500mg per week, with AI twice per week, HCG and PCT in addition to N2 Guard. Want to be more cautious so I am going to use everthing to help prevent any issues. All that said*** NO SOURCING ALLOWED*****I am sorry if this post is ignorant and or misguided so I want to be out front of the shaming. I see guys who are new get slammed so forgive me for being an idiot. I will take the heat, because I am tired of feeling like crap, and want to get this started asap, so i can get on the path of feeling great and start working out again. Thank you all in advance. Rich
Hi Rich. I'm not going to flame you. Just help redirect you.

You seem to be thinking more in the lines of running a cycle than doing TRT. TRT means taking testosterone for the rest of your life because your body doesn't make enough on its own. A typical TRT dose would be closer to 200mg per week. PCT would not be required because you never come off TRT.

For source, you would get your doctor to prescribe TRT for you after running some tests to confirm that you are hypogonadal. I pay about $40 for 10ml vial of testosterone cypionate dosed at 200mg/ml from Walgreens. That lasts about 10 weeks at the TRT dose mentioned above.
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Hello, new guy here, 50 years old, looking to start my first TRT plan. Tire, depressed, low sex drive and getting worse each day. Looking to run 500mg per week, with AI twice per week, HCG and PCT in addition to N2 Guard. Want to be more cautious so I am going to use everthing to help prevent any issues. All that said, c***NO SOURCING ALLOWED**** I am sorry if this post is ignorant and or misguided so I want to be out front of the shaming. I see guys who are new get slammed so forgive me for being an idiot. I will take the heat, because I am tired of feeling like crap, and want to get this started asap, so i can get on the path of feeling great and start working out again. Thank you all in advance. Rich

no sourcing allowed for your protection so be careful since you open yourself to scammers.
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Hey guys just wanted to say I am a huge fan and very thankful.

I am 31 and have been on trt for 6 years and because of this site I have been able to get dialed in pretty nicely. This is my first post so please bare with me if this isn't the right way to pose my question.

my recent labs were typical and aligned with most of the other people on trt but a huge red flag popped up when I looked over my last labs. my DHEA is superrr high and I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to why, how, and what to do about it? thank you

total test =770 ng/dl
estradiol = 36 pg/dl
DHEA = 1230 ng/dl ??!!!!

Thank you for any feedback. All my research after reviewing my labs point to an adrenal tumor or cancer...

500mg of testosterone per week is not trt, thats a real cycle. down it down like megatron said above. do your hw before your first pin and make sure that youve done all you can to fix your low t symtoms naturally becuase once you get on trt, its for life and youll be dealing with more sides that you have now if you dont do your hw. are you taking any meds? alcohol abuse?