I just started a TRT with my regular physician, which coming from prior experience was a hassle to go through. However she is younger and seems to be more interested in getting people who need it healthy. I know there will be some information I need to gather for specifics, but for now I am hoping I can get some sort of generalized answer.
I want to be at the high end of the testosterone spectrum as I have suffered from low T my entire life, I had it checked back in my early 20's and it was very low then around 280 nl/ dl and my free was around 4-5 and well I am 35 now so naturally it got even worse.
My question is what I can I do or tell the doc to get my testosterone up to that optimal higher end range? Is blood work the key to it? If I wanted to do my own blood work, is there affordable options out there? I think that is a good place to start, thank you in advance.
She pinned me once and wanted me to come back in two weeks to see how I felt and we discussed increasing the dose and or adjusting frequency and she even said that after the first 2 injections if I felt comfortable enough she would get me everything I need to do it at home instead of going in every 2 weeks. I believe she gave me around 200 ml of I hope enanthate, I asked the physician who was shadowing but he had no idea. I will find that out.
Thank you for the help!
For desired levels, just tell your doc what you wrote. See if she will work with you on it. Say you would like to be in the upper third of the normal range.
Pinning once every two weeks is a horrible idea if you are using cypionate. By the time you do your next injection your testosterone levels will be close to zero. I pin twice a week to keep fairly even levels. I don't recommend going more than once a week with cypionate. If you are using Nebido you can wait longer between injections.
I use PrivateMDLabs to run my blood work. It's a lot cheaper . They utilize LabCorp facilities around the country to draw the blood and test it.
Below in my signature is a FAQs link. In there you will find another link to a sticky thread on TRT. That thread will expand on my answers here quite a bit and answer. Whole lot more for you about TRT. Give it a read.