Homemade Gear! Crashing


Gettin Swole
Does all homemade gear crash after a certain amount of time. Say I was to make Enanthate at 250mg and prop. at 100 mg. Will it still crash say after 6 months of storage?? Im not really trying to make high mg gear, I would just assume have it stay stable for as long as possible. Thanks!
if you make it right it shouldnt be a problem. Iv bought EQ at 500mg/ml from a reputable lab and it was fine for 3 weeks and then it crashes.
Just wanted to add to this,

Why do people make gear 6 months before they use it????

I understand that this is a hypothetical question you are asking, but surely you guys should understand that making gear in your kitchen is not lab conditions... There for all we can do is do the best we can, with what we have....

In which case I think it would be foolish to even consider making gear and leaving it that long before using it...
We do everythying we can to eliminate germs, (heat in oven) (BA to prevent further growth when its in the vial) but it is not perfect... Why leave a vial for 6 months or more before using it? Surely it only increases the risk of germs growing in our vial. Heat treating is not the be all and end all of killing germs... It is the best that we can do given the conditions...

I keep reading posts from people who make gear and wait 6 months and can't understand the logic in this. Its not like a bottle of wine, it doesn't get better with age, and waiting 3 months to see if it crashes isn't really ness..

Making gear is relatively easy, and quick... why not leave it in powder form for as long as possible and then convert it..... I,m not saying make it every week, but why not make enough for one cycle..
Plan it out on paper, count the grams and mix up the requred amount..


Mini Me
mini me... i see what you mean, but at the same time, nothing will happen in six months... its not really bad at all... nothing will grow because of the BA and if done properly there is no bacteria to begin with, so IMO you can make gear 5 6 months ahead of time with no worries.... it would be kind of stupid because you will probly change your mind on what Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) you want to use, but other than that...i see no problem...
I am not disagreeing with you on this... simply stating that there are very few reasons to have gear made for six months... If there are very few reasons, why do it??

panteracfh said:
if done properly there is no bacteria to begin with

The big problem is we cant tell if its done properly..

Its all down to personal pref, I would pref to use gear I had just made than gear I hade made 6 months ago......

Each to his own....


Mini Me
if it is done properly there should be no problems. I feel safer knowing how I made the gear and not some underground lab where the guy sneezes into my test or something.