how a bodybuilders fridge should look

a piece of beef jerky makes me bloat up... yuck

your fridge is so clean! Mine looks similar - the bag of beef + pickles and a jug of lemon seltzer
80 a week is do-able for me, I just feel for the college kids out there who live in a dorm or are flat broke etc., trying to maintain a diet like that, good lord, haha. (Just finished being that guy myself). Used to have to basically live on shakes with all my nutrients mixed into them.

i hear this all the time, but if you took the money you spend on shakes and shit... and bought bulk whole foods like 3J is talking about, you'd be suprised how close to even you'd be.

Plus there are things you can do without in college if you wanna get jacked. Cable TV, fancy car, etc. If you got muscles and game... you can keep the pussy rolling picking em up in a Honda Civic hatchback.

Trust me, i did it for years. :D
i hear this all the time, but if you took the money you spend on shakes and shit... and bought bulk whole foods like 3J is talking about, you'd be suprised how close to even you'd be.

Plus there are things you can do without in college if you wanna get jacked. Cable TV, fancy car, etc. If you got muscles and game... you can keep the pussy rolling picking em up in a Honda Civic hatchback.

Trust me, i did it for years. :D

the man speaks the truth.. i get pissed when i spend 60-75 bucks on protien shakes bro... when u can get 8lbs of chicken breast for 20 bucks, do the fucking math...
That's good! Where is the gear though?

The first thing I do when I shop is go get about 4 lbs of organic, free range ground beef, turkey, chicken and eggs (Whole Foods store) and cook it all up. Then I am never without quality protein all week. Sometimes I mix it all together and put it in tupperware.
the point of this was to show people that, even in extremes like when u cant come home for 2 days at a time (this is my case).. u can still eat right.. u can steal have solid, home made, muscle building food on hand...

i didn't sleep in my bed last night.. i wont sleep in my bed tnite... ill see my bed in 24 hrs...
all that sucks..

but i will be eating well ;)
whole sale is the weight to go I spend 50-60 there on meats and dairy every 10 days or so and it supplements my other groceries.I go to bj's and get the 5lb bag of eas protein for 25 bucks that helps.

fridge looks great 3j....whats that large box under the beefstrips?avacardo's?
I went to sams last week spent like 90 bucks, got chicken breast that were over a pound each! package was like 7.5lbs for 7 breasts. I also picked up some NY strips, they were huge too
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whole sale is the weight to go I spend 50-60 there on meats and dairy every 10 days or so and it supplements my other groceries.I go to bj's and get the 5lb bag of eas protein for 25 bucks that helps.

fridge looks great 3j....whats that large box under the beefstrips?avacardo's?

I get the same 5lb bag of eas, to cheep to turn down
whole sale is the weight to go I spend 50-60 there on meats and dairy every 10 days or so and it supplements my other groceries.I go to bj's and get the 5lb bag of eas protein for 25 bucks that helps.

fridge looks great 3j....whats that large box under the beefstrips?avacardo's?

haha, this is the fridge in my garage.. i put my food here so my older brothers greedy lazy hands dont get to it... in doing so,i have to share the fridge with the "surplus" food that doesn't fit in the reg fridge...

the box is something or another.. the avocados are lower in the fridge
the point of this was to show people that, even in extremes like when u cant come home for 2 days at a time (this is my case).. u can still eat right.. u can steal have solid, home made, muscle building food on hand...

i didn't sleep in my bed last night.. i wont sleep in my bed tnite... ill see my bed in 24 hrs...
all that sucks..

but i will be eating well ;)

Yes, and it is not nearly as hard as some think it is! Just save a little cash and then load up on the proteins, cook 'em all ahead of time (takes me less than 1 hour) and pack the fridge! I eat 7 protein based meals a day and can keep that up pretty dang consistently. If you don't have the work ethic to do that, forget BBing and AAS!
hey 3J.. just wondering whats a good easy way to cook yams or sweet potatoe.. ive never eaten them..Ive seen people say cut them into fry shape and broil or cube them up and boil..what do you do?
hey 3J.. just wondering whats a good easy way to cook yams or sweet potatoe.. ive never eaten them..Ive seen people say cut them into fry shape and broil or cube them up and boil..what do you do?

Chop off the ends and toss em into a 400 degree oven for 40-60 mins (it'll depend on your oven - wait til they're soft in the middle). Good to go from there.

If you want to taste pure awesomeness, slap some peanut butter and cinnamon on them....or just cinnamon for less awesomeness....
man, im not gonna lie to you, i eat like 10-12 cans of tuna a week, if wasnt for tuna, id be fucked. being in the field all the time, thats the best shit, oh yea, along with smoked oysters.
hey 3J.. just wondering whats a good easy way to cook yams or sweet potatoe.. ive never eaten them..Ive seen people say cut them into fry shape and broil or cube them up and boil..what do you do?

When i am in a rush, i slam my sweet potatos in the microwave(whole) for 11 mins. they come out perfect. try it out
how about tysons all natural frozen chicken breast tenders? thats what i buy, big frozen bag!!

I also eat a ton of egggs, ill take three whole eggs and then ab a cup of egg whites, some hot sauce mix it all together and scramble them. I use the extra virgin olive oil nonstick!!!
thats a damn nice fridge! lol

i have started keeping my diet super clean now even started taking out milk with my oatmeal and shakes and i am looking my best ever! never eat less than 5000 cals a day even when off gear and im keeping at around 13% bodyfat which for off season is a miracle for me, hoping to get back on stage for the first time geared up in 2012 :D
Diet confuses the shit outa me these days. My fridge used to look like that. I lived off of chicken breast and and brown rice but I wasn't getting any gains to write home about other looking good.

The gym I train at is overrun with powerlifters and they basically told me to shove my bodybuilding diet up my ass. So now I eat everything in sight. I spend nearly $1000 a month eating dirty. chicken has been replaced by ground beef at every meal. I feel like absolute shit and I am never hungry anymore. I just watch the clock and "oh shit, its time to eat again"

Im definately carrying around more bodyfat. but man can I lift now. how anyone can build muscle off $80 a week is beyond me. I've tried to force feed myself enough clean calories to gain weight but it literally seems impossible to add a single pound.

I could probably eat 3 of those rubbermaid containers 8 times a day and not gain. Diet frustrates the hell outa me.

Youtube has millions of videos on how to train, but diet videos I can count on one hand. Following the diet plans in a muscle mag dosnt seem to do shit either. I would give my left nut to be able to reach my goals eating clean.
Diet confuses the shit outa me these days. My fridge used to look like that. I lived off of chicken breast and and brown rice but I wasn't getting any gains to write home about other looking good.

The gym I train at is overrun with powerlifters and they basically told me to shove my bodybuilding diet up my ass. So now I eat everything in sight. I spend nearly $1000 a month eating dirty. chicken has been replaced by ground beef at every meal. I feel like absolute shit and I am never hungry anymore. I just watch the clock and "oh shit, its time to eat again"

Im definately carrying around more bodyfat. but man can I lift now. how anyone can build muscle off $80 a week is beyond me. I've tried to force feed myself enough clean calories to gain weight but it literally seems impossible to add a single pound.

I could probably eat 3 of those rubbermaid containers 8 times a day and not gain. Diet frustrates the hell outa me.

Youtube has millions of videos on how to train, but diet videos I can count on one hand. Following the diet plans in a muscle mag dosnt seem to do shit either. I would give my left nut to be able to reach my goals eating clean.

what are your stats??

what do u do for a living??

i eat 4200 calorie to bulk..

im 6'4 275lbs...

id have to say when u were eating clean, u weren't eating enough
what are your stats??

what do u do for a living??

i eat 4200 calorie to bulk..

im 6'4 275lbs...

id have to say when u were eating clean, u weren't eating enough

27 yrs old
6'4" also, bounce like a yo-yo between 305 and 320 lbs no idea what my bodyfat% is but if I were to drop to your weight I'd look awsome. I'm also an endomorph so my bone structure is much broader than the majority of ppl my height.

I work in construction, constantly climbing ladders all day. which becomes hard as balls at 320.

My post-workout meal alone is well over half your daily bulking intake

The powerlifter/owner of my gym made a meal plan for me that consisted of 14,000+
calories a day which is impossible for me to follow 7 days a week. He believed this would be optimal for me.

realistically on a good day I'll eat around 8-10. the most calories I can handle in a sitting is around 2500. but then the following meal will take a hit. And thats eating food thats as calorie dense as possible. Eating clean I can put back around 1000 cal a meal and maybe an occasional 1500.

Yes your right, when I was eating clean I was not eating enough. Bottom line is that I don't have a clue about the number of calories that I need to be eating to grow. I basically try to eat everything I possibly can and some days I still step on the scale for a loss of pounds.

I know what foods to eat for clean gains but it seems impossible to gauge how much I need due to the fact that my activity level changes drastically from day to day. So over-killing it seems to yield me better results at the expense of breasts and handles.

I am well aware of the importance of diet, and these days I put all my effort into what Im eating. Unfortunately quality advice is hard to come by. and what little I get is conflicted between powerlifter/bodybuilder.
tell me what your bf is and ill tell u how much you have to eat.. if u wanna cut.. thats a diff story.. either way give me ur bf.. send me a pic or go to a gym and get tested... fyi electronic scales dont work