how can one increase flexibility?


card counting specialist
Does anyone know of any training methods for increasing flexibility/mobility? I stretch everyday and use a foam roller 2- 3x week but Im looking for some other ideas. I recently started BJJ (with Carlos Terrinha) and quickly found out how inflexible I am. does anyone have any links/articles/sites.... about increasing flexibility?
blackjack said:
Does anyone know of any training methods for increasing flexibility/mobility? I stretch everyday and use a foam roller 2- 3x week but Im looking for some other ideas. I recently started BJJ (with Carlos Terrinha) and quickly found out how inflexible I am. does anyone have any links/articles/sites.... about increasing flexibility?

I was researching this myself, couldn't find anything on it.

I have a yoga dvd that is fantastic. They sell some just for stretching without the additional stuff. I have heard of powerlifters increasing their big three as a result of doing yoga.

I know it has helped me tremendously. Now it's just time to start back doing it. lol
Swellin said:

I have a yoga dvd that is fantastic. They sell some just for stretching without the additional stuff. I have heard of powerlifters increasing their big three as a result of doing yoga.

I know it has helped me tremendously. Now it's just time to start back doing it. lol
I am looking into Yoga to increase flexibility for football. Better than ballet...
When I was getting ready to train for Ninjitsu I stretched everyday for a month. Basically just every stretch that you feel you may need, hold it for 1 minute and during that minute push your body as far as it will go - just be careful and pay attention if your going to far. After a month I was close to being able to do the splits all ways.
Ill give yoga an honest try. I need to increase mobility in my hips, groin and hamstrings.
thanks for the link swellin. I think ive seen those vids before but never gave them a 2nd thought. Ill give it a go. the price is right at least.
Yoga for sure. I got hurt twice and thats when I wasn't doing yoga a couple times a week. When I was doing yoga I never ran into any injuries
+1 on the yoga heree!! I am recovering from back surgery and have also startd BJJ under the Gracie Family and am doingYoga several times a week at teh gym t owork out the back and to help increase my flexability... It feels SOOO good; I know it's helping.
thanks for the link ,STW looks like a great place. exactly what I could use. too bad theyre so far away.