DRveejay11 said:
TD: what doses and what are your results like ??
Bro a little background is in order. This is the first time I have stayed on for more than 12 weeks. I have previously followed Bill Roberts' theory that recovery problems tend to crop up when cycles go beyond that. Eventually I'll be testing that out on myself, lol.
Anyway, I started on 500 mgs. test and 500 mgs. deca at about the same time I entered a 13 week fire academy. It was 8 to 6 weekdays, with an hour commute, and I had to run my law practice and be a father and husband, blah, blah, blah. In any event, I lifted only on Saturday and Sunday. I took 20 mcg. of T3 throughout that time and it basically has kept me pretty lean despite my limited opportunities to train and a less than perfect diet. I graduated from the fire academy in May, up about 8 lbs., and about the same BF or a bit less.
Unfortunately 2 weekends ago I was gone for 3 days and forgot to bring any protein supps, and didn't eat enough. I lost 7 lbs.
Over the past 2 weeks after getting back I have been ramping up the dose of T3 (now at 70 mcg.) and have started clenbuterol. I'm getting leaner.
From past experience I think the T3 / clen combo is the most powerful fat burner short of DNP.
I'm also not experiencing the usual cramps from clen. I'm taking potassium and 1000 mgs. of taurine ed.