How dangerous is t3?

How dangerous is it to run t3 with a cycle? I have heard it can mess up your thyroid permanently in some cases. How well does it work at helping burn fat?
They include angina, tachycardia (a fast heartbeat), irregular heartbeats, cramps, diarrhea and headaches.

Indirectly: weightloss, fatigue, insomnia, muscle catabolism, lipolysis.

THESE ARE ALL potential effects.......good stuf if used properly, just do your homework and begin /w small doses and progress upwards..
Permanent shutdown of the thyroid is a permanent and false myth in bodybuilding.

Studies have shown that even with LONG term (I'm talking decades) use of T3, the subjects recovered their natural production within a few weeks.

I challenge anyone to produce a shred of credible evidence that anyone's thyroid has ever been permently shut down by use of T3. Nobody will, because no such evidence exists, because it doesn't happen.

BTW I've been on T3 since mid January and will continue for at least another month.
I'm using 100mcg and loving it. I have ran around 10 t3 cycles at all kinds of doses, went up to 250mcg last summer. It was good until I started melting muscle. 100mcg is what I find best. I use canadian pharm t3, if you use others like to 50mcg tabs from brittain I find them about half the potency.
The studies that I've read recently always say "contrary to popular bodybuilding believe" when in regards to T3/T4.
DRveejay11 said:
TD: what doses and what are your results like ??

Bro a little background is in order. This is the first time I have stayed on for more than 12 weeks. I have previously followed Bill Roberts' theory that recovery problems tend to crop up when cycles go beyond that. Eventually I'll be testing that out on myself, lol.

Anyway, I started on 500 mgs. test and 500 mgs. deca at about the same time I entered a 13 week fire academy. It was 8 to 6 weekdays, with an hour commute, and I had to run my law practice and be a father and husband, blah, blah, blah. In any event, I lifted only on Saturday and Sunday. I took 20 mcg. of T3 throughout that time and it basically has kept me pretty lean despite my limited opportunities to train and a less than perfect diet. I graduated from the fire academy in May, up about 8 lbs., and about the same BF or a bit less.

Unfortunately 2 weekends ago I was gone for 3 days and forgot to bring any protein supps, and didn't eat enough. I lost 7 lbs.

Over the past 2 weeks after getting back I have been ramping up the dose of T3 (now at 70 mcg.) and have started clenbuterol. I'm getting leaner.

From past experience I think the T3 / clen combo is the most powerful fat burner short of DNP.

I'm also not experiencing the usual cramps from clen. I'm taking potassium and 1000 mgs. of taurine ed.
Allso, for people thinking it will shut down your thyroid for good, Last year I ran a 7 month cycle, 3 months at 200mcg and my thyroid bounced back 3 weeks later. Yes, I had blood tests before and after, they're free in canada.