How do you stay off?

Mike Biggun

New member
I had been on a cycle for a long time and decided it was time to have time off, so got all the post cycle therapy (pct) i needed, did it properly and have recovered well. The problem i'm having is staying off. I'm enjoying training still, but I'm just not as pumped as i once was, and am not happy with the way I look compared to how i did look. Is there any way of getting over this, or have i just gotta be patient???
Mike Biggun said:
I had been on a cycle for a long time and decided it was time to have time off, so got all the post cycle therapy (pct) i needed, did it properly and have recovered well. The problem i'm having is staying off. I'm enjoying training still, but I'm just not as pumped as i once was, and am not happy with the way I look compared to how i did look. Is there any way of getting over this, or have i just gotta be patient???
that is a psychological factor that you must get over. try to find other things to do that keep you away from a mirror.
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I love being on, but for career reasons I need to take a long break from cycling. Yes, I have dreams about gear (seriously!!!). Last night I had a dream that I was converting some Masteron/Prop blend, LOL.

Just take the necessary time off and keep giving 100% in the gym. It's all mental like Stonecold54 said.
its amazing how you feel during your cycle and post cycle. as a matter of fact, the last week on my cycles, i feel somewhat depressed because i know that my ride is almost over. like stone cold said, its psycological. something that really helps me, when you are off of the juice, really start getting into your next cycle and planning it all out. hope this helps!
I believe it is called an Adonis Complex, where you are never satisfied with the way you look regardless of the gains you have made. It is what mentally addicts people to gear.
You just have to realize that you still look better than a BIG portion of everyone else. How many average joes look like you do? How many look better - probably not many.
You are still better than most of the people out there because of your dedication and commitment to the sport and you will continue to look better so long as you keep working at it.
China_Wall said:
go back on!

Everyone dies, not everyone lives.

Do what makes you happy bro.

Good advice, but I don't know if that is the approach someone should take about the 'Muscle Dysmorphia' phase when you come off!

I agree with inssane, you probably look better than most people you know so you have to get over it.

One thing I try to do is lean out a bit and get harder, that makes me at least feel better b/c when I come off I feel like I look like shit. All fat and bloated, but I really don't and it takes a week or two to get over it.

I also have been trying to try new shit iin the gym and hit new strength goals. This helps me get my mind back in the game. For example, I have started doing deads for the first time ever. I know I should have been doing them forever, but I have been doing them for the past four weeks and have gained prolly 20-30lbs on all of my compund lifts. Thats with no AAS!! Has helped alot.

Good luck and remember, once you rest, there is always more juice to be had!!
I fuckin hate being off. But its like robbing a bank. Once you get greedy and go for the vault your fucked. Keep your head bro and you'll be find. Dont fuck yourself. Now Ill go back and contimplate my verys hort time off thank you....:)
yeah it sucks being off...i have been off for a little over a month now. lost 10 lbs and i think i am skinny, even though i know its only water and some fat. i am every bit as strong as i was while on, but the psychological effect is undeniable. i guess creatine has to be it for now though....
How do I stay off? Well its easy... I have no money for more gear =) Err I mean I had* no money for more gear =) Order will be placed soon I PROMISE hehe!
RJH8541 said:
I also have been trying to try new shit iin the gym and hit new strength goals. This helps me get my mind back in the game. For example, I have started doing deads for the first time ever. I know I should have been doing them forever, but I have been doing them for the past four weeks and have gained prolly 20-30lbs on all of my compund lifts. Thats with no AAS!! Has helped alot.

There is nothing like lifting or squating that big weight to make you feel like a GOD again.
Comming off creates a massive complex, when I'm on I feel invincible. When I come off, I still weigh close to 230 lbs, still lift the same amount of weight, but I don't get pumps in the gym like I do when I'm on. The pump I do get is gone in half an hour too so it sucks. My first test cycle only, I came off with no post cycle therapy (pct) which is foolish as fuck, stayed off for almost 2 months, and even accumulated some Personal Records in the gym. That helped. A big thing for me when I'm cleaning out , is trying to still eat a lot. My appetite goes from a T-rex to a fucking squirrel=)
It helps me to dabble with other things that dont supress your hpta. slin, igf, creatine... I do a combo of these while off and it really seems to keep me where I was while on. I dont really use creatine when on, so when I come off and hit slin/creatine I actually gain a few lbs post cycle therapy (pct). It may be water but the strength and fullness this gives keeps your head in the game.
Shit, Im on off time and recuping from shoulder surgery so it light lifting only. I feel like I should be wearing a skirt...
If you enjoy working out in the first place then there should be no real problems being on or off.

For some people gear is a means to end, not the end all and be all of our lifestyle.

Its when the gear becomes the priority over everything else where you need to sit back and think to why your working out in the first place.
something to remember is that the way you look on or off the gear, no one other than you can tell the difference, its mostly in your head so dont stress it
I fuckin hate being off. But its like robbing a bank. Once you get greedy and go for the vault your fucked. Keep your head bro and you'll be find. Dont fuck yourself. Now Ill go back and contimplate my verys hort time off thank you....:)

lol, agree