What country is he from? I think it is the US. If so, the US is bigger than Australia, in both physical size and population. So I think you actually meant to say "the dude may not have even been from your large country". The US is third largest in area and fourth largest in population (though I am not really sure the EU should count as a nation).
I am fond of tidbits of info, such as this, so take it for that alone, interesting information you can bandy about and look smart saying.

This is all from the CIA Factbook, which can be found here:
Rank Country Area (sq km)
1 Russia 17,098,242
2 Canada 9,984,670
3 United States 9,826,675
4 China 9,596,960
5 Brazil 8,514,877
6 Australia 7,741,220
Rank Country Population
1 China 1,355,692,576
2 India 1,236,344,631
3 European Union 511,434,812
4 United States 318,892,103
56 Australia 22,507,617
EDIT: Another interesting aside is that China's One Child Policy is working quite well. In a few years, India will pass China as the most populous nation on the planet. China, also, is just about to reach a negative birth rate, so their population will be lowering. Right now they have a 0.44% annual increase.
Another interesting aside is that the nations with the highest population increases are Middle Eastern nations, with Lebanon topping the list at over 7% increase annually!