AAS Duration
Probably the most important consideration for one doing androgens for an extended length of time is the suppression of HPTA. Assuming one is careful as to the medications (dose, indications, interactions), sterile technique (injections), & immediate side-effects (e.g., acne, fluid-retention, gynecomastia, etc.) it is probably safe to state that adverse effects to the liver, cardiac, and hematological may be problematic but not life-threatening. However, it would be good for peace-of-mind (and confirmation) to have lab tests (comprehensive metabolic panel, lipid panel, hemoglobin/hematocrit) run ~every 6 months. Surprising, but true, small nuisances and irritations to life may be easily explained by a review of medications, labs, diet and exercise by a knowledgeable (and concerned) person.
But, by all means the greatest problem overall and undoubetdly the most common is HPTA disruption. It can be very difficult to stop all androgens and wait for HPTA normalization due to the signs & symptoms suffered of hypogonadism after androgen cessation. The degree and difficulty for HPTA normalization appears to be directly related to the type, dose, & duration of androgens used (no dfefinitive studies). A better question I have found is that all of the gains and strides one could possibly hope for can be done by on-off periods (cycling). During the off period it is paramount to ensure HPTA normalization. This can be easily done while gaining 2+ pounds LBM/month. Attached is a recent article on long-term reversal of side-effects after prolonged androgen use. Read carefully!!! 2/15 still had hypogonadism; 13/15 had low normal testosterone. Good Health.