how long til some of you stop AS for good?

When I can bench 4 plates 4-5 times, squat 500lbs about 10 times, and have 20" arms and all around good development, im going to quit.

Im 21 now. If im at my goal by 25 im happy.

So if I drop 6%bf and gain about 15lbs, I should be there.

Probably 1 or 2 more cycles through out the years.
Powerhouse9 said:
I was only drawing it up for a shot, and he was occupied watching tv with his mom, he just wandered in looking for me. Believe me its nothing I want him to see, and I will be more careful now.

damn powerhouse, that sucks bro! :(
Doc Banner said:
I certainly don't see myself "quitting" for good. I want to continue to cycle and gain while I'm still young, but not become sterile. Then once I reach a size and leanness I like (god knows how long that will take), I will probably just do light cycles to maintain that. But once I get to be 40 or so and I don't care about being sterile, you better believe I'm putting myself on enhanced Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), something like a little test, GH, and maybe EQ or deca or primo. So to answer your question, I never see myself quitting for good.

Very well said. That is the way I see it exactly.
compman said:
I guess you could say this thread is relevant to the one about, "Are steroids addicting?" We can all tell ourselves that we are going to stop at a certain age or time, but I am quite interested to see just how many of us can really stay off? I often contemplate whether most have the ability to stop permanently on their own will, or if it takes a serious related illness to call it quits.

I am concerned about my own self having the ability to once and for all calling it quits, when the time comes. I am hoping that I have this strength and will, before my body calls it quits for me.

As for what I wrote earlier, I hear everybody giving themselves timelines and goals but I am still interested to see if we all can quit for good. Sometimes when your health is showing symptoms of malfunction or deterioration(of vital organs), it is too late.

I think that most of us who continue to use for longer periods of time will need some sort of testosterone to keep us at normal levels at later ages. Oh well, one day at a time, right?
I do worry about the long term effects, especially since my cycles have gotten pretty long now, but I have no idea when I will quit altogether, or if I ever will
I think all the people that say "I'll quit when I reach my goal" are so full of shit.

They'll always want to be 5-10 lbs heavier, always want to have 1-2% lower bf, always want to bench/squat another 10 lbs., etc. It never ends.

It's kinda like listening to heroin addicts talking about kicking it...and telling themselves "this will be the last shot"...everytime.
But that sense of never ending seems to me the very foundation of bbing, constantly improving yourself (at least that's what it's about for me). Of course there are always times you will have to sacrifice one aspect of bbing to improve another, i.e. sacrificing cuts to put on some size, sacrificing strength to lean up, but the goal is over time to improving yourself. In the same way though I recognize that there are times when I will have to sacrifice bbing goals for other things in life, such as schoolwork, friends, fam, and health (which is why most of us cycle, vs. being on all the time).
Doc Banner said:
But that sense of never ending seems to me the very foundation of bbing, constantly improving yourself (at least that's what it's about for me). Of course there are always times you will have to sacrifice one aspect of bbing to improve another, i.e. sacrificing cuts to put on some size, sacrificing strength to lean up, but the goal is over time to improving yourself. In the same way though I recognize that there are times when I will have to sacrifice bbing goals for other things in life, such as schoolwork, friends, fam, and health (which is why most of us cycle, vs. being on all the time).

Hats off for being honest!

I agree with you 100%. If bb'ing was about reaching finite goals and then quitting it we all wouldn't be as passionate about it as we are.

BBing isn't a method to achieve specific results, it's a *lifestyle*.