How many cycles have you done? Which would you without a doubt do again?


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How many cycles have you done? Which would you without a doubt do again?

I'm on my fourth. (tren and cyp) this one i will probably do again. first time with tren and i love it!
i like test only cycles.

i like the current test ,tren cycle i am doing now.

my next cycle will probably be tren/enanthate mix and gh
I have done 5 cycles,and last summer was my best cycle.I did a eq/fina/winny cycle.I will never do fina again,(too much hair loss for me),but I will definatley do equipoise again!
natty said:

DAMN nice cycle. Would have to say Enth/winny/primo probably favorite.

Hey Road Dog, you sure it wasn't the Winstrol (winny) hard on the hairline??
I have done 4, here is my little comment sheet on each

Cycle 1 - Cyp\Deca - Good overall I transformed my body composition in 10 weeks.

Cycle 2 Cyp\Deca\Dbol - Bad acne, Major HPTA problems, Crashed incredibly, No more Deca for me. - Lost alot of the gains trying to get my HPTA started again.

Cycle 3 - Prop only. Good gains, I wanted a short acting ester after my previous hpta problems. EOD injections started to be a hassle after 6 weeks or so.

Cycle 4 - Currently on week 3 of Cyp\EQ. I really did not want to do vet grade stuff, but I have heard so many good things about EQ, I just had to try it. - Jury is still out - I'll let ya know !
fatchops said:
That's what I am on but I am using suspension and dbol he he

I am on my 3rd cycle.

I love what fina does to me!!!!

You'd better hope that fina keeps those d-bol "fatchops" down Mex! 3 steaks in one night, that's what I call good eatin'.
house1 said:
i like test only cycles.

i like the current test ,tren cycle i am doing now.

my next cycle will probably be tren/enanthate mix and gh

House... your going to have to post before and after photos of that... I can't even imagine.... wow
thefantom1 said:
House... your going to have to post before and after photos of that... I can't even imagine.... wow
fantom how many times must we tell you to quit asking all the guys for pictures :D , j/k house is on a mission and i hope he inspires me to drop some bf although im gonna miss being a wooly mammoth;)
Well for me personally I have been using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for quite some time. Most of my cycles have given me great results. But if I had to pick just one cycle that was my favorite it would have to be my current pre contest cycle that i have been using for the past 3 years to get ready. it conssists of the following:

1000mgs test prop/ week
400mgs Boldenon/ week for first 6 weeks
300mgs winstrol/ week
450mgs tren/ week
50mgs provirion/ ED
30mgs Nolvadex /ED (taken in the morning)
120mcg Clenbuterol/ 2weeks on 2 weeks off
4.5 ius GH/ 5 days on 2 days off.
Halotestin 30mgs/ ED ( last 2 weeks )

I have seen great results with this cycle. Usually when it gets closer to the contests I may increase my halotestin dosage but for me this is the cycle that works the best. The compounds I have chosen with the exception of the test and EQ do not aromatize there for water retention is not of a concern, the water retention i do get from the test prop and EQ is very minimal due to the nolvadex and by taking the nolvadex in the morning it doesn't interfere with IGF-1 production or the GH I adminsiter right before bed and in the middle of the night.

On this cycle my strength stays up pretty well but with lowered carbohydrate intake my strength does suffer a but. I am able to reatin most of my muscle mass from the offseason, and this cycle also allows me to bulk up if need be diring my pre contest if i find that my cardio is burning up to much muscle.

Overall I like this cycle and I probably will not venture from it too much. In the offseason my favorite cycle is just your basic Test, EQ, a-50, insulin and GH. Nothing fancy dancy, but it gets the job done quite effectively.

Done: many.
The one I love most: test-tren-winny-proviron.
I like other stuff like boldenone and d-bol.