I have done 4, here is my little comment sheet on each
Cycle 1 - Cyp\Deca - Good overall I transformed my body composition in 10 weeks.
Cycle 2 Cyp\Deca\Dbol - Bad acne, Major HPTA problems, Crashed incredibly, No more Deca for me. - Lost alot of the gains trying to get my HPTA started again.
Cycle 3 - Prop only. Good gains, I wanted a short acting ester after my previous hpta problems. EOD injections started to be a hassle after 6 weeks or so.
Cycle 4 - Currently on week 3 of Cyp\EQ. I really did not want to do vet grade stuff, but I have heard so many good things about EQ, I just had to try it. - Jury is still out - I'll let ya know !