How many cycles have you done? Which would you without a doubt do again?

I have done about 8 cycles.
(anadrol, dball, sostenon, halo for bulking up very fast "mostly water weight" and getting very strong
My favorite cycle is my cutting cycle (Prop/winny/fina/eq) quality weight & you get really hard & shredded.
Dont really care too much about deca, dont like felling of having a limp dick.
I tryed gh one time, it kept me lean but I wouldent do it again- too costly
i have done 3 deca only cycles. i liked the gyno or deca dick for me. however, i am now on my 4th cycle...test enan and deca...just now on 4th week and begining test next week...i am anxious to see how much of a diff the test makes!