How many sets/reps do you use ?


Allmost Good Looking
I was just wondering how many sets and reps you people use for the different muscles !

Here is a typical routine for me :


Incline benchpress 5x5 sets/reps
flat dumbell press 3x10-12
cable crossovers 3x10-12
Preacher curls 4x8-10
Dumbell curls 3x8
concentration curls 3x10
(followed by rotator cuff work)

squats 6x6-10
legpress 5x6-10
leg extensions (one legged) 4x8-10
leg curls 5x6-12

T-bar rows 5x6-12
chinups 4x6-15
narrowgrip lat pulldowns 3x8-10
cable rowing 3x8-10
(followed by rotator cuff work)

rear deltmachine 5x8-15
sidelat 5x8-12
militarypress 3x20
pushdown 5x8-12
onearm overhead extensions 3x8
dumbell kickbacks 3x10

I often wonder if im doing to many or to few sets, i dont seem to make any progress except when im on a cycle (10 weeks every spring) !

Feel free to comment my workout routine, it would be nice if you people can agree on something, that might help me out ! :D

188 cm
30 years old
been working out for 13+ years, doing roidz once a year for the past 7 years !

Thx in advance for your input ! :)

It all depends on what my goals are, when I am trying to tighten up and get more ripped then I will do higher reps and maybe as much as 5 sets of some exercises--You can turn your weight training into a circuit training program when this is done. However, If I am trying to gain mass then its lower reps--as low as 5 for approx 3 sets on each exercise, and I will increase the weight while lowering the reps. It all depends on what I think I need and what I am trying to achieve.
I do 14-16 for the larger muscle groups, and 9-12 for the smaller ones.
Works well for me:D
I'm usually in the 12-15 set range, but for the most part only a few of those are "real sets". They make get somewhat tough, but I consider them just a warmup, until I get to the balls to the wall set.
fredsgaard said:
It was a joke Green888 is one of my friends ;-)

i tried the 1200 sets benchpress, and after 683 sets i had a stroke !!!
THX A LOT !!!! :( GRRrrr......

I try to fatigue my muscles in the least amount of sets possibal. G2G to work. I will re-post later.
I try to set some kind of PR on the main lift for the day. Sometimes it's a single. Sometimes double or triple. Could be a 5 rep max. And occiasonally once in a blue moon I'll do lots of reps.

After that I do 2-4 assistance exercises, 1-3 sets each, 5-10 reps. Instinctive training.

I work hard on my main lift and set a PR. Then I do some bullshit, and then go home.
Jeg vil måske råde dig til at få savet 10-12 cm af dine ben, altså 188cm er sgu meget, og du vil komme til at se meget større ud hvis du er lavere. FORK!!! det ville være vildt!
deads i like 1-5, everything else 5-12 with the occasional dip below and occasionally go above on legs.