Terminal Rectal Optitis
Women are unable to seperate sex and love. That's what makes this whole "cheating" thing such a BIG F*CKIN DEAL, especially in the good ol USA. Here's my advice for what its worth, if you're young and have the opportunity to f*ck because some horny girl is all over you, you'd better throw on that rubber and have at it. Why? because if you're goddamn dumb enough to marry some girl and think that you're going to keep having all the wild kinky sex you want til death do you part (In most cases) you can forget it. I work in a place that's about 80% female(most married), and let me tell you, women's mindsets are all pretty much alike, once that ring is on, it's their world. If you are happily married and never think think about cheating count your blessings, as for me I think I'll go jerk off and think that hot blond that I passed up when my (now) wife was my girlfriend, and I was too righteous to "cheat"