How much aromasin on 1000iu of hcg??


New member
Today is the beginning of week 2 and I'm starting hcg 500 iu 2xweek MW
Cycle is
Test prop 700 mg ew
NPP 350mg ew
Var 100mg ed (1st month and Last month of a 12 week cycle)

Started with 6.25 mg aromasin ed, but I know hcg does aromatize. Should I up the dosage of aromasin for 1000 iu of hcg weekly? I'm always leery of too much aromasin, because too much of it kills my libido. Option 2 is to add nolva and keep the dose the same.
You sure you need that much HCG? Some do I know but 250x2 seems to work fine for me and no additional AI required.

I hear you on the AI vs libido problem. Kills mine too. Intertesticular aromatization seems to be pretty dependant on the person. Blood work?
I would worry more about the test and nandrolone aromatization.

You will have to get blood work to dial in the AI dosage. I would stay where you are at with the Aromasin for now.

And many guys use 250iu of hCG twice weekly.
Definitely liking the idea of using 250 per week (don't want the extra bloat, plus I'm using fadogia agrestis). No blood work as I've only been on for a week. When should I get it? week 4?