How much do you have in your savings/ what is your networth

I have two vials of test about a couple grand in my name. Have a house payment and a car payment and that is about are held off for now since I'm going back to school.

My penis size is in between (0" and 5") + (0" and 5") = (0" to 10")

It is the perfect size and gives my girlfriend AT LEAST two orgasms every time we do it.

Okay enough of that.

I'm not rich and wish I was like you Manny
I have 7 years of schooling I am going to partake on and I am paying out of pocket...what are you talking about savings?

To be honest it sounds like you wanted to swing around an "E-penis" and feel accomplished if you do have all that.

Never met a rich man I could count on.
Never met a rich man I could count on.

Very true, my friend. I have been around long enough to realize that one gets rich by depriving or using others. I'm not a socialist but I believe in the whole honest days PAY for an honest days WORK.

Sure, one can accumulate a bit of wealth but to accumulate the mass of wealth such as the Gates', Kennedy's, Rockefeller's, and even that Facebook guy, some people have to get hurt or burned financially.
Very true, my friend. I have been around long enough to realize that one gets rich by depriving or using others. I'm not a socialist but I believe in the whole honest days PAY for an honest days WORK.

Sure, one can accumulate a bit of wealth but to accumulate the mass of wealth such as the Gates', Kennedy's, Rockefeller's, and even that Facebook guy, some people have to get hurt or burned financially.

Equivalent exchange.
Nice apartment in a safe area with a yard, both cars paid off, both bikes paid off, awesome pets, an even more awesome girlfriend, and aint a thang...... cuz i dont care lol im still in my 20's
650,000 in savings account. Owe 150,00 on the house still. Cars all paid for. Make about 120,000 per year at current job.