You are the best man! You should write a book!
I hear many people use short esters of steroids in short cycle (3-4weeks) because they think in this way the body is allways surprised and will never be bored with the same substance.
To make me clear i'll give you some examples.
Example 1:
Wk1: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk2: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk3: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk4: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk5: nothing or hcg
Wk6: nothing or hcg
Wk7-10: test p (100mg eod) / winny (50mg eod)
Wk11: nothing or hcg
Wk12: nothing or hcg
Wk13-16: test p (100mg eod) /anavar (50mg ed)
Wk 17-18: nothing or hcg
>>and the list continue like this with other substances all year round without stopping the cycle. They give the body a real break after a one or two years.
Example 2:
Other do the same, except the off weeks, like this:
Wk 1-4: test p / tren a
Wk 5-8: test p / winny
Wk 9-12: test p / var
Wk 13-16: tesp p / npp
They use hcg in the cycle also.
Mention: i'll give you an example of cycle and dosage, that doesn't mean they use that substance in that order and at that dosage.
I hope i make my point clear and you could undestand what i'm talking about.
What do you think of this kind of "tehnique"?
It's really a bad idea to do pulses like that as the body wants a nice stable flow of hormones. ESPECIALLY on trenbolone! It's when things are bumpy that side effects start to get crazy, as the body is constantly trying to adjust, and play keep-up with you.
Short esters are fine, bit it's best to run then as a single shorter cycle, or as part of a bigger cycle to get things moving faster. Example 1 is honestly shit as the body is suppressed the entire time, and as it starts to recover - the AAS is brought back in. Rollercoaster for sure.
Example 2 is better as the test stays constant, but the changing of other compounds every month is unnecessary. That, and two orals back to back isn't very nice to the poor liver, even though var is relatively mild.
The number one reason folks plateau is because they don't realize that as they put on more mass, their caloric needs increase. Eating 3,000 kcals at the beginning of a bulk might be fine, but at week 10, after adding a few pounds of muscle - that might be enough for maintenance - hence the cessation of new growth. Adding another 500 kcal (give or take) once things slow down, would likely bring things back into motion.
I'm a fan of keeping things simple. A cycle of whatever compounds I'm running for however many weeks allows me to analyze the situation to see what I'm lacking, without having to guess whether or not it's the hormones. If I stall, it's usually either my sleep is shit, or I'm not eating properly. I then make a correction, and reassess. Just makes it easy imo.
My .02c