how to achive a phisique like simeon panda / ulisses / jaco de bruyn /sergi constance

Do you want to do this for you or to get hot women, because if it's just the hot women, a great personality and a large penis works better and doesn't cost a thing.

I look pretty crappy and it's worked for me for over 40 years. ;)

If it's for you.... As all others have said, your entire life must be centered around this goal. It's not a life "style" IT'S YOUR LIFE AT ALL TIMES. I'm working on being about half as awesome as they are at age 47.... I don't have that much time so I've adjusted my goals.
It is for me. I want to prove myself that it is possible to achive that kind of phisique with time and dedication.
Time + training + eat correctly + genetic + supplements + roids / gh / slin.

Did i miss something?

Good genetic make u achive better phizique faster than bad genetic. Also, good genetic make you use low quantity of gear more effective.

But i'm still asking myself how it's possible to make a dramatic change in short period of time when most of yours answers was "time" and "genetic". Sergi Constance and Jaco de Bruyn change dramaticaly in 2-3 years. Yeah, i know they still making progress in this moment, but a dramatic change happened in 2-3years. There was a "boom" from a simple person who was training to a profesional fitness model.

Nooooooooooo. Genetics are also responsible for natural development, length and density of tissues, ability to shed fat, bone structure, metabolism, and amount of lean mass possible at a set range of hormone values.

Rushing is only going to give shit results, or an injury. Besides, you can't compare to guys much shorter - they look bigger, even when you have 60lbs on them.
I know that usig hgh you can incrase the number of cells - hyperplasia. Incrasing the cell numbers dosen't make a guy with bad genetic became a guy with good genetic? I think this is the way to "trick" (solve) "genetic" problem. Am i wrong, or did i miss something?
I know that usig hgh you can incrase the number of cells - hyperplasia. Incrasing the cell numbers dosen't make a guy with bad genetic became a guy with good genetic? I think this is the way to "trick" (solve) "genetic" problem. Am i wrong, or did i miss something?

Again, it seems like you're looking for a short cut. HGH DOES even the playing field a bit, but it's a very expensive and time-consuming process. Genetics sadly trump everything. Want proof? Look up pictures of Arnold at age 14-16. He was a MONSTER even as a kid!

I advise you stop focusing on looking like someone else, and try to be the absolute BEST version of you. It takes a lot of hard ass work and time - but the end result is worth it. :)
That was a curiosity and that's why i asked people with more experince to understend if what i was thinking is wrong or not.
That was a curiosity and that's why i asked people with more experince to understend if what i was thinking is wrong or not.

AAS and PEDs can help those with average genetics excel, however - those with superior genetics (look at the Olympia contenders and champions), will simply always just go further. It's like being in school; some folks are just naturally smarter and able to learn new things easier. You can study harder, hire tutors, even try drugs that help you focus more - but the fact is, they will just do better at certain subjects. It's not fair, but it's just how the world is.

You can take grams of gear, inject insulin, inject HGH, eat under the guidance of a professional, hire an Olympia-qualified coach - and you STILL may not ever reach the level of those that have taken the sandow home. Don't think I'm discouraging you, I just want you to understand that everyone is different, so trying to compare to others is fruitless.
After reading different articles and posts i'm still confuse, it is a myth waht is said about receptor saturation or is it true? I don't understan how can bodybuilders stay on cycle for years and don't have this problem? How can they trick this problem with receptor saturation? Also i read about SHBG, free testosteron and diffrent substances that can lower SHBG like winstrol and proviron. If is somone here who have more information about these or who can make me understand better, don't hesitate and write to me.
After reading different articles and posts i'm still confuse, it is a myth waht is said about receptor saturation or is it true? I don't understan how can bodybuilders stay on cycle for years and don't have this problem? How can they trick this problem with receptor saturation? Also i read about SHBG, free testosteron and diffrent substances that can lower SHBG like winstrol and proviron. If is somone here who have more information about these or who can make me understand better, don't hesitate and write to me.
You're confusing terms. Saturation is a good thing; it's when you're filling all those hungry receptors fed with delicious androgens. Down regulation is what you're thinking of, which is a MYTH. The human body creates and destroys androgen receptors on a constant basis, so causing them to become overloaded due to being constantly saturated is improbable. In fact, the human body is so smart, it starts creating MORE receptors to meet the demand if it detects extra androgens.

SHBG is a protein that binds to both testosterone and estradiol, rendering them unusable. Yes, it is possible to lower SHBG, freeing more testosterone to do its job - and proviron does have this ability in spades. However, ALL androgens not made by the body do this to an extent, as do aromatase inhibitors.

The real limitation to how effective AAS is comes down to myostatin, food, genetic limits such as connective tissue strength (there are limits, even with HGH) , and of course - time.
You are the best man! You should write a book!

I hear many people use short esters of steroids in short cycle (3-4weeks) because they think in this way the body is allways surprised and will never be bored with the same substance.

To make me clear i'll give you some examples.

Example 1:
Wk1: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk2: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk3: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk4: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk5: nothing or hcg
Wk6: nothing or hcg
Wk7-10: test p (100mg eod) / winny (50mg eod)
Wk11: nothing or hcg
Wk12: nothing or hcg
Wk13-16: test p (100mg eod) /anavar (50mg ed)
Wk 17-18: nothing or hcg
>>and the list continue like this with other substances all year round without stopping the cycle. They give the body a real break after a one or two years.

Example 2:
Other do the same, except the off weeks, like this:
Wk 1-4: test p / tren a
Wk 5-8: test p / winny
Wk 9-12: test p / var
Wk 13-16: tesp p / npp
They use hcg in the cycle also.

Mention: i'll give you an example of cycle and dosage, that doesn't mean they use that substance in that order and at that dosage.

I hope i make my point clear and you could undestand what i'm talking about.

What do you think of this kind of "tehnique"?
You are the best man! You should write a book!

I hear many people use short esters of steroids in short cycle (3-4weeks) because they think in this way the body is allways surprised and will never be bored with the same substance.

To make me clear i'll give you some examples.

Example 1:
Wk1: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk2: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk3: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk4: test p (100mg eod) / tren a (100mg eod)
Wk5: nothing or hcg
Wk6: nothing or hcg
Wk7-10: test p (100mg eod) / winny (50mg eod)
Wk11: nothing or hcg
Wk12: nothing or hcg
Wk13-16: test p (100mg eod) /anavar (50mg ed)
Wk 17-18: nothing or hcg
>>and the list continue like this with other substances all year round without stopping the cycle. They give the body a real break after a one or two years.

Example 2:
Other do the same, except the off weeks, like this:
Wk 1-4: test p / tren a
Wk 5-8: test p / winny
Wk 9-12: test p / var
Wk 13-16: tesp p / npp
They use hcg in the cycle also.

Mention: i'll give you an example of cycle and dosage, that doesn't mean they use that substance in that order and at that dosage.

I hope i make my point clear and you could undestand what i'm talking about.

What do you think of this kind of "tehnique"?

It's really a bad idea to do pulses like that as the body wants a nice stable flow of hormones. ESPECIALLY on trenbolone! It's when things are bumpy that side effects start to get crazy, as the body is constantly trying to adjust, and play keep-up with you.

Short esters are fine, bit it's best to run then as a single shorter cycle, or as part of a bigger cycle to get things moving faster. Example 1 is honestly shit as the body is suppressed the entire time, and as it starts to recover - the AAS is brought back in. Rollercoaster for sure.

Example 2 is better as the test stays constant, but the changing of other compounds every month is unnecessary. That, and two orals back to back isn't very nice to the poor liver, even though var is relatively mild.

The number one reason folks plateau is because they don't realize that as they put on more mass, their caloric needs increase. Eating 3,000 kcals at the beginning of a bulk might be fine, but at week 10, after adding a few pounds of muscle - that might be enough for maintenance - hence the cessation of new growth. Adding another 500 kcal (give or take) once things slow down, would likely bring things back into motion. ;)

I'm a fan of keeping things simple. A cycle of whatever compounds I'm running for however many weeks allows me to analyze the situation to see what I'm lacking, without having to guess whether or not it's the hormones. If I stall, it's usually either my sleep is shit, or I'm not eating properly. I then make a correction, and reassess. Just makes it easy imo.

My .02c :)
Another question for you @halfwit, can you tell me other compounds that lower SHBG? Wright now i know about winny and proviron.

It is a good ideea to take proviron and pin hcg at the same time during a cycle?