How to know if it's real t


New member
Hello, well I've been having some doubts if my testostorone that u bought is real. It's 250mg and I don't know what other info I could provide but is there any way of finding out if it's real? It smells almost like baby oil not exactly but similar and it's quet oily. When rubbed on skin it just dries out doesn't moisturise or anything.
Any advice is appreciated.
Only way is blood work, when you rub it on skin does it feel sandy kind of grainy? Smell dont matter theres really no sure way exept doing bw.
Use the lab in megatrons signature. I called them, and same day I went to the lab and had test results like 3 days later. I was worried about some of my gear and was like depressed... My results came back at 2700 Test, so it was a great feeling knowing my shit was real and also putting the doubt we have out of my head. Just do it, people at lab just take your blood and give the info to the lab in megatrons sig and they email you results. $70 or $80 bucks... best money dude...
I do and I don't trust him. And if u do blood work n they see my t is too high will the not fuck me over?

Who is "they" ? Who is gonna fuk you over cause you have high testosterone levels ? Is having high test levels a crime in your country ?
Who is "they" ? Who is gonna fuk you over cause you have high testosterone levels ? Is having high test levels a crime in your country ?

He lives in italy and his doctor is run by the Mob, they hate high test levels over there and hes afraid of getting wacked